I love adsactly. Theyre embodiment of what circle jerking is. When somone asks to give an example thats where i point towards. Ill be super surprised if they change much.
I dont think they know how.
Its in their blood.
Theyre like that part of steem with haejin and a few other orcas that everyone knows are shady but everyone tolerates and leaves alone.
Posted using Partiko Android
Only... They were being left alone... no one was bugging them at all.
Yet, they made a decision to do things differently.
In order to get from where they were to where they are headed I knew they were going to take some heat. I'm fine with that.
Let's see if people are smart enough to allow for change.
They are more then welcome to do so.... Problem is that they havent earned the least bit of trust from the community for the community to believe they will change their ways.
Time will tell ofc, seeing is believing, but so far we havent seen anything to believe that they can change. Thus the pessimism towards their announcement.
Posted using Partiko Android
Well the fact we are having this conversation does mean they have done somethings that people find notable enough to comment on.
They have absolutely done some things... it just takes time for people to notice.