The Strange Case Of Vegan Mikey A Fraudulent Satanic Ritual Abuse Victim & REAL SRA Cases Over The Years

in #exposed6 years ago (edited)

A little awhile ago, someone seeking e-fame reached out urging me to run his story about SRA (satanic ritual abuse.) That was our good pal Vegan Mikey, when I asked this young man for proof of his claims he said there was none. An obvious red flag for me as an independent journalist. 

I get crazies messaging me all the time, and I am not saying SRA is crazy per se. In fact, for those that don't know, I have dealt in this realm before and I know a real SRA survivor who's father abused her. Which she probably doesn't want to be known so I won't state her real name. However, I will link to her secret work here on Steemit analyzing Satanic Ritual Abuse. 

Also, briefly let's touch on some documented Satanic Ritual Abuse from history. 

Real Cases Of ELITE SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse.)

When you think of the words "satanic ritual abuse" often you may have visions of blood sacrifices, pentagrams, etc. But often SRA involves the molestation of children for ones own sick sexual gratification. Don't ask me why, I don't know and that's a full on speculation for another day which could delve into Moloch, Minerva or Lilth the child thief. But history has proven how sick the elite are with little fanfare given to the information. If you are interested in the owl topic and you are aware of Bohemian Grove's "mock child sacrifices" you can read my previous article on The Elites' Obsession With An Owl Named Moloch here. Where I even show that UCLA has pictures of elitists torturing real kids throughout history archived on their website.

Starting off when speaking about SRA, or researching it, you can't ignore the infamous Presido case and years prior the McMartin Preschool case. Which to this day both are attacked as frauds. Despite, blaring facts, that most don't know about the cases, those facts are below to show evidence from history of real Satanic Ritual Abuse. 

I provided these cases to show the people who want to call me a shill, for attacking a scammer that I am anything but a shill. I will bluntly mention the cases that matter from history on this subject, no one can censor or gag me from speaking the truth.

For those unfamiliar with my work see my investigative work on the death of Jill Dando and Liz MacKean who both sought to expose BBC's pedophile ring presumably involving Jimmy Savile and Royalty. Not only was Savile a pedophile but the ring he was apart of was deemed to be a Satanic ring by investigators. This information only came out after Savile’s death. The sick entertainer with royal connections raped dozens of kids – including a boy who was just  two years old  – while working at the BBC.  

[RELATED: BBC Reporter Liz MacKean Who Sought To Expose BBC Pedophilia Ring Found Dead]

On the other-side of the pond in the U.S., some fun facts on the Presidio San Francisco Daycare case that are basically smoking guns that abuse took place are the following. A teacher at Presidio, Gary Hambright, accused of molesting ten children in the case, once said in court: “Why are you only going after me?” (Insisting that there were more people involved.)During the case at least 4 of the children on the military base who reported abuse were found to have chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, The New York Times reported

Hambright did not have chlamydia, but he later died of AIDS in 1989.Despite this, only Hambright was arrested and was charged with molesting just the one boy — charges that were dismissed as the judge refused to allow the children’s testimony, and the Army investigator had apparently botched the investigation.None of the children from the Presidio Child Development Center (CDC) tested positive for AIDS. Thirty years later, none of the victims have ever come forward to tell their stories as adults.

As a fun fact, Presidio was being investigated by former suspected murdered citizen journalist Max Spiers who was filmed just four days before his suspicious death vomiting “black liquid” talking about his investigation into Presidio. Fifteen other Army child care centers and elementary schools had reports that were incredibly and horribly similar to what the children described at Presidio. I would like to share this quote from the San Jose Mercury News which first exposed Presidio in order to show how widespread this problem is:

Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the daycare center and photographed.

 The most important exposés into the Presidio case were written by Linda Goldston of the San Jose Mercury News in an article entitled  “Abuse Case at Presidio Quietly Closed By U.S.”

The Satanic cult Temple of Set and its founder Michael Aquino were named in the abuse scandal in the ’80s at Presidio in San Francisco, reported.

Four years before Presido in 1984 another scandal took place called McMartin Preschool. The McMartin Preschool case is important because kids who attended this school were all telling very strange accounts of abuse involving skulls, urine, blood and feces (excrement.) Which for some reason in all these cases that seems to be a common theme in the abuse. Again, I have absolutely no reason why, it's quite sickening to me and makes my stomach curdle. But hey I am not surprised seeing as some of Hollywood's most elect love attending Marina Abramović's spirit cooking sessions, you do know they drink that crazy concoction right?

For more on the McMartin case you can listen to one of my former sources deceased FBI LA director Ted L. Gunderson talk about his investigation into the pre-school and the tunnels that were found under it.

So don't be surprised about adults ritualistically abusing children like those at - McMartin, Presidio, and Jimmy Savile's satanic pedophile ring or the torture aspect that has barely come out of Jeffrey Epstein's current bombshell case and the potential federal trial developing.  Which, I am not saying Epstein's case is SRA, but there is certainly an abuse aspect that has yet come out look at this odd dentist chair with straps at Epstein's residence. 

On the case of Jeffrey Epstein I find it very interesting to note what helped him get off of charges with his sweet heart plea deal, snitching on Bear Stern.  

Epstein secretly served as a “key federal witness” against two hedge fund managers at Stern around the time he cut his deal that let him avoid federal child sex-trafficking charges and serving a selective 13 months in a Florida jail where he was allowed to leave for work and return, according to a report by the Miami Herald.

Another noteworthy case is the Franklin Cover-up and victim Paul Bonacci's testimony (another case of SRA.) Bonacci alleged that previously accused Michael Aquino was running Project Monarch and involved in satanic sacrifice as well as Presidio. Bonacci further alleged that Aquino was running the Rocking X (Rolling X) group heavily involved in the Franklin Cover-up and alleged to be responsible for the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch, an Iowa boy who went missing after a paper route. 

Other victims in the Franklinville cover up also alleged abuse by elites like Troy Boner who was later killed and Alicia Owen who was imprisoned and threatened if she gave her testimony including having a strange death of her brother Aaron Owens. Several people turned up dead, including the lead investigator Gary Caradori in a plane crash and Tory Boner's brother who was shot. While there is a host of other dead witnesses involved in this case. Still, no follow up investigations ensued.

All three victims stated they saw Hollywood entertainers and prominent people including politicians at sex parties. Adding that they were "procured to rich and powerful people" at these events. The Franklin Vile scandal  at first involved a boys home in Franklin Omaha, Nebraska being used  for a trafficking operation connected into the Franklin Credit Union head at the time Larry King. 

But the case later expanded to include the  elect of society as an international kidnapping ring was uncovered. A shocking total of eighty different children came forward claiming  to be involved in a large scale child kidnapping ring (Rolling X) to DeCamp. Only four of the victims and a photographer Rusty Nelson  testified. All claimed that specific pedo ring had a reach deep into  government and the upper echelons of society. 

In late 2003, Boner walked into a hospital in New Mexico,  screaming out “they’re after me, they’re after me because of this book,”  (The Franklin Cover-up) which he was waving in the air. After Boner was  mildly sedated and calmed down, he was put in a private room for  observation.When nurses came back to check on him early the next morning, he was sitting in a chair, bleeding from the mouth dead. 

Former FBI Los Angeles Bureau Chief Ted L. Gunderson tried to get the  autopsy and other details that were promised to him on Boner’s death,  but it never happened. No news stories were published on Boner’s death,  despite his notoriety in the Franklin case. 

Bonacci once told investigators he toured the White House at midnight  on July 3, 1988, with Craig Spence a lobbyist and political operative  who arranged male prostitute visits to the White House. Spence turned up dead just three months after a June 29, 1989 Washington Times article was published, which exposed a call-boy operation that was run from  within the Reagan-Bush White House. 

In an August 9, 1989 edition of the Washington Times, Spence  hinted that his White House prostitution operation was assisted by  top-level people, naming Donald Gregg, national security adviser to  Vice-President Bush. Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out  homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA presumably The Finders known inside as (Operation Blackstone.)

[RELATED:  Elite Institutionalized Child Sex Abuse Is A Conspiracy Of Silence PT 2] 

The deaths of Shawn and Troy Boner, Craig Spence and Alisha Owen's brother Aaron aren't the only people killed but they are most important mentions besides investigator Gary Caradori who had all the names.  Than the death of his informant Newt Copple a key activist  fighting the cover-up of the Franklin case who died in his sleep mysteriously. 

Maybe that is why and how all the copies of the documentary  "Conspiracy Of Silence" were mysteriously bought up and suppressed from  release in the 1980's before scheduled to air on TV only ever aired once  and later leaked. Conspiracy of Silence was another documentary made to  expose the establishment's problem with pedophilia. 

For a full list of those who were found dead including  secretaries and more from a hosts of mysterious circumstances see this post

Just as a pattern of repeat child abuse allegations probably proves a person  is a pedophile, a pattern of deaths surrounding investigations  into elite pedophilia probably means there is some running water under  the bridge to these cases/scandals and that those scandals would have  affected some politically powerful people and investigations had to be stopped. 

It's not new for rich men and even some cases women to seek to  abuse children, non Hollywood elites used to use care homes as the  documentary film "Boys For Sale," documented. In addition to several cases that came out in the past few years in the UK into Kincora house, Elm Guest House, Dolphin Square, St. Helena and the Lambeth Town Hall basement were covered up and ignored to protect the establishment from embarrassment,  just like other investigations. 

In another more recent major outing of the pedophile culture, Scotland Yard obtained video evidence  of a UK Politician  “Murdering a Child in a bizarre ritual.” A Scotland Yard official said “these accusations are true” – and another  261 prominent people including politicians and TV stars are suspected of partaking in the horrific evil of child abuse. Some have speculated the criminal "ritualistic murder" is used as a form of  blackmail  to compromise individuals – and that high level people are preventing prosecutions. 

The U.K. probe known as  Operation Midlands was shut down in March 2017 for “insignificant evidence” despite a quote from MP John Mann saying  “that the victim total could be in the many tens of thousands.” The probe had video evidence, and several victim’s testimonies, including Alex Wheatle ,  Steven George ,  George Smith , Darren  , Thomas ,  Nick , and several additional witnesses. The claims are backed up by retired Scotland yard detectives . Yet the probe was shut down, and at least  114 documents just vanished. 

However, one document that turned up after 30 years showed that the Thatcher government knew and was told about the Westminster officials’ odd sexual behaviors. The CIA and KGB even knew about what was going on and hoped to blackmail the VIP pedophile ring in exchange for information.

Sixteen MP’s were named in a 1984 dossier of VIP pedophile abusers documenting the influence that the  the Pedophile Information Exchange lobby had on Westminster. A whistle-blower goes further to state that  20 powerful elitists abused children for decades, including a female MP.

The ultimate goal of the pedophile lobby Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was to  lower the age of consent and push the pedophilia agenda, which several people tried to do. Even the High Court judge to the Queen, Lord Justice Fulford, tried to lower the age of consent to four. Absolutely sick and twisted — four years old.

Another official, Patricia Hewitt, former Labour cabinet minister, was caught trying to push the pedophile’s agenda to make incest legal and lower the age of consent to the age of 10.

Former now deceased Nebraska senator John Decamp, speaks about the Franklin Cover up and its gruesome details in the video below if you are interested.

Much of these pedophile and SRA scandals were brushed off in the U.S. as the 80's "Satanic Panic." But it was anything but fanatical as many find, that really seek to dig into these cases, like this author has done for you. However, these facts are just scratching the surface of  theses cases and there is much I have left out, because this article is about exposing a scammer not Satanic Ritual Abuses cases from history. 

I just wanted to counter-act the scammer and show it's not all bull shit, much of it really did take place years ago and probably still does in certain elite circles to an extent. 

Hell, look at NXIVM cult and its leader Keith Raniere and Jeffrey Epstein, and Jeffrey Sandusky all three were involved in "child trafficking" (that's anyone under the age of 18,) as if human trafficking isn't bad enough. No, these individuals needed to take advantage of children for themselves and their clients, none of this is a laughing matter. 

If all that's not enough, for even further cases look at the Dutroux affair, Demmink affair, or an episode of Dr. Phil that was aired in the Netherlands and then subsequently the network stopped publishing the show in 2016 a week after the elite pedophilia exposure, where the victims says she was put into a cage.

This happened a year after English-speaking Dutch media NL Times reported,  political leaders, including a former mayor and justice official of the Netherlands were brought to court by alleged victims of  child sex-trafficking, further illustrating that pedophilia is happening at high levels all within society.

So when someone seeks to make up stories to defraud the public and fool them using pedophilia, I step up to the plate to bat, and I have a strong batting average for uncovering corruption.


With the real documentable cases of SRA out of the way, now back to good ole Vegan Mikey. Starting off somethings strange to notice about Mikey, prior to being a SRA victim, Mikey was complaining about how Youtube was demonetizing him on Twitter. A friend who was a mutual friend, Emy told me about his situation. Of course, being the kindred spirit I am, wanting to help whomever, I offered to help him find alternative ways to monetize his work, using Steemit and a new people powered social network like Facebook utilizing the back-end for Steemit, called SoMee.Social

He said he would check them out! He never posted on Steemit as is documented by the blockchain! Instead he comes up with some bull shit story and begs for money online. 

Which to this writers knowledge it is unknown what the money would be used for besides getting rich off of poor suckers, who believe an evidence-less based story or drugs. Next, I saw Mikey attacking An Open Secret, one of the few groups actually bringing light to child abuse, not SRA in Hollywood, so he drew my attention. Kudos! But now here comes the karma.. 

So is Vegan Mikey a scammer and a plant to make SRA look ridiculous? Who knows, that's more speculation and I like facts not baseless conspiracies, as most people who know me are aware, my work speaks for itself.

Either way, I don't like scammers, especially those who use the sick practice of molesting kids as a means to gain money, to reiterate I asked this man for evidence of his claims a police record of the events he cited filed, anything. He failed to provide a single thing of value to me. After I heard he decided to beg for money using this unverified story, I started to go digging into him, and what do you know? I found a boat load on the guy with my shovel and pen at the ready.

Let's start with his previous history, Vegan Mikey's real name is Michael Patrick Whalen, he is credited as the sound mixer in a B horror film called "Red Red" directed by Ama Lea. Finding this was a treasure trove, that first started my investigation, but was only the start of digging into Mikey. 

Once, I found this, I also found his Tumblr account, which goes by Vegan Mikey and his instagram account which is locked and private. On this Tumblr account were very disturbing images, one would link with Satanism like this goat and the 666 manta. However, is this all a set up for people to believe his story? I am going to say, probably.

After a little more digging into the sound mixer company MOONPRIZN MEDIA LLC in Las Vegas, I was able to establish this guy was an indie sound technician called, MOONPRIZN. Who also works, on indie films as a sound mixer. I then stumbled upon this ReverBNation page which I have archived in case, he decides he wants to delete it. ;) (archived.) Another fun fact, according to Corporate Database, his business license was revoked.

MOONPRIZN MEDIA describes itself as a full service audio production company based in Las Vegas, NV on that page. "We specialize in recording, mixing, mastering, engineering, producing, and writing every kind of music," MOONPRIZN writes.

While a thread by An Open Secret archives that Michael Patrick Whalen was apart of this audio technician company, by showing a message to him on Facebook. You can't run from your past Mikey, this brings us to the next item of interest from Whalen's past, an arrest warrant and several arrests made in Arizona

Yes he is literally running from his past, since he is a documented fugitive. Which, I am little angry for the reason he is on the run being a charge of domestic battery on a woman named Sarah Beckman with a cellular phone. You don't ever hit a woman, if you hit a woman don't be surprised about the consequences you have coming for it. So without further to do, here is Michael Whalen's arrest record and the out standing warrant in question that doesn't exist. Mikey has also failed to pay child support to his former spouse/girl friend according to a court document cited 1/04/18, with the same name Sarah Beckman. 

(Yes, bro I am in your court records, that shit is public information and in spirit of this being a case about a "public figure." This is absolutely relevant to exposing malfeasance on your part.)

While "Lift The Veil" claims this isn't Mikey, as is referenced by his tweet harassing An Open Secret above calling for a "hungry lawyer." Anyone who wasn't born yesterday and beat until their eyes are a bloody blue pulp, can clearly see this picture below is indeed Mikey, when he was chubbier, down to the very same snake bite piercings on his lips and the tear and neck tattoo. That's to say you would have to be a blind dingbat to deny that this mugshot taken after he drove with a suspended license isn't Vegan Mikey in a pillsborough doughboy costume. (I put the two together next to each other for the cover photo of this article, it's obviously him.)

This goose is cooked. Now then crawl back from under the rock that you came from Mikey and go hug your real mom Patricia Black and stop this ridiculous story hoax that you were a Satanic Ritual Abuse victim, at a Voodoo Doughnut shop, and cease those crocodile cries to Macaulay Culkin. Truthfully, it makes real victims' stories look un-credible. you should be ashamed of yourself, get help while you still can. 

As a reminder a couple and a fake homeless man were recently charged with conspiracy for a fake GoFundMe scam, if you keep this tirade up you are next, bet on that. You are "e-famous" now bud, all of your actions documented on the blockchain, congrats! I sincerely hope that the people who donated to Mikey decide to sue the crap out of him, so no one ever tries this disgusting shit again.

Have fun gremlins, as Santa's lead elf, I have to go help Santa prepare next year's Christmas.

Update: Mikey's hands appear to be swollen in many of his videos pointing to the potential use of heroin.

Examples: (PIC, PIC,)

Examples of swollen hands of drug users: (PIC, PIC,)

2nd Update: Isaac Kappy and Michael Whalen are connected even before meeting online. A user going by @RandomRantsofRyan posted a video to Youtube in November with Exploring Reality, making the allegations and connecting some strange hell of a coincidence dots..


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What a load of hypocrisy and old garbage. I notice your mugshot of Vegan Mikey cuts out the reason for his arrest. What does that pic prove?

Not sure how you see this as a "load of hypocrisy" I am exposing a fraud, nor is it old garbage. It's pointing out how the guy isn't credible. The mug shot cutting off has nothing to do with it. The booking is obviously for the linked court charges? The pic proves he was arrested and booked? And that the denials that "this isn't me" are bull shit.