Mining Narratives of the Past
Last week, we announced a 100 Year History Challengesignificance of 1918. There was a lot going on in the world exactly 100 years ago, and where better to explore the fabric of global events than through Steemit? We asked Steemians around the world to share a century-old story that relates to them and their hometown. inspired by the @phillyhistory post on the
We have been reading through your incredible stories all weekend! The outpouring of engagement was unprecedented. We received 75+ incredibly thorough and well researched submissions from all over the world, each personally linked to the author’s own interests and hometown history. Even out of a sea of quality posts, some took the challenge beyond the call and applied to true Steem-powered innovation to their entries.
Our Top 3 Stories
here.@catwomanteresa submitted a fascinating and bilingual post covering the deadliest plague of Taiwanese history. Back in 1918, influenza exploded onto the world stage. Cities were particularly vulnerable as the contagious virus infected 70 million Taiwanese. It was a deadly year for (a world) War, and the resonating effects of global conflict exposed many communities to new diseases that they were unprepared for. Read the full post
here.@dpatcher’s post highlights the stories Indian soldiers during the first World War. India was represented in World War I by a staggering 1.3 million soldiers, 75,000 lost their lives in the conflict. When people think about WWI, they immediately connect the conflict to Europe and the United States, but there were millions more who took part in this conflict and who - still today - are deeply under recognized for their sacrifices. Read the full post
here.@paskadom’s post integrates a wonderful splash of creativity. Her story tells one of both past and present through historical research and beautiful artwork. This post was just too creative not to highlight. The De Javasche Bank at Banda Aceh (Indonesia) was a bank building built in 1918 by the Dutch East Indies Company. In 2004, a tsunami destroyed much of the built fabric in this community, but this building survived. In this post, a resilient relic and reminder of the past is celebrated with thoughtful creativity. Read the full post
Setting the Stage for the Century to Come
1918 was a year of conflict, peace, health and innovation. Nelson Mandela was born, there were huge fires, daylight savings time was created and pigeon’s too! Here are the stories we’ve selected for 4th place and beyond.
banner year for the country of Romania@sunnyali’s story of a
“Student Hidjo”@mariska.lubis’s creative exploration of the novel
De Javasche Bank.@betterperson provides an indepth window of Indonesia’s
Rhodesia.@fidelpoet examines the controversial legacy of
Highlights from @phillyhistory
This past week @sndbox created 15 new accounts for @phillyhistory’s Temple University students to use as they explore blockchain resources and seek out new ways of empowering professional practice in the non-profit spectrum. Over the course of the Spring semester, these students will continue to use develop research under the #explore1918 tag. Make sure to give these students a warm welcome! Here’s a look into some of the research and Philadelphian narratives they’ll be exploring...
"No place for our people to go" provides a detailed spotlight on Philadelphian theater.@chelseareed’s
first Tarzan Film.@jfeagan examines the
“Wounded and Happy.”@engledd discovers the legacy of a hospital ship in
a way to combat the Flu!@charliehersh uncovers the unique story of marriage in Philadelphia as
More History to Happen
innovative course looking to integrate Steem and blockchain technology into their experimental academic research.Thank you for exploring these great entries with us today! Be sure to follow @phillyhistory for updates on the
Thanks for the opportunity and shoutout @sndbox - and the mention of four of more than 20 posts by Temple University's Public History students of @phillyhistory - all new and wonderfully productive members of the Steemit community.
Thank you @phillyhistory! We've enjoyed exploring the broader fabric of the 1918 story. Looking forward to learning more from the Temple students.
Love- D_PATCHERThank you @sndbox and associates, for organizing this amazing contest. I did learn a lot while researching for my post. I am filmmaker & always look for stories and your contest helped to uncover new story , even I knew very little about it. I have very glad to be one of the winners.
Hi thanks @dpatcher for your great research and kind feedback :)
Congratulations to the top three stories selected by you. You are really doing a good job for providing us with leaves of our rich history about 100 years ago.
Thank you!
Thanks :)
wow. Thanks for mentioning my post. I love what sndbox is doing for the community!
Thanks for sharing such an amazing story @cloh76! :)
Anytime. Thanks for always supporting the community and giving us opportunities to learn
Missed the contest. Hoping for more of such magnitude of contest to come featuring....
Century story is really a good opportunity to reflect the timeline and history of our various cities.
We'll be hosting many more contests and community challenges to come! Don't worry :) and thanks for your support @mickyscofield.
my idea is that fashion should now be based on what people wore 100 years ago... and every year there should be a retro party where people act and do what people did 100 yrs ago, like a vaudeville stage show and the flapper girls, shit like that /// peace !!
Hahah thanks @clumsysilverdad! A party is always a great way to celebrate the past. Who knows, maybe they had 1818 parties in 1918...?
I wonder if time travellers from the future can insert posts into the blockchain this year and even though we can't physically meet the people inserting the posts we can read their messages.
So...... Satoshi might have been a blockchain time traveller! :D
Congrats to all winners
It was nice going back in history to discover stuffs that happened that affects us today. Thanks to @sndbox and @phillyhistory for organizing this
oh thanks....It was great to participate in this challenge .........thank you also for the great upvotes......God bless you...........Happy 2017
Thanks to @phillyhistory and @sndbox you made me happy yesterday.........Looking forward to more History Challenges
great information about history..thabkyou for that wonderful knowledge
Nice concept and great attempt to history more of this please
Kindly follow back, thank you
I see articles and photos on your post, have a historical, education, and cultural value of an area. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. Thanks.
Date: January, 26, 2018Helloo @sndbox Me, @menulissejarah (writing history)
Saya melihat artikel dan foto pada postingan milikmu, memiliki nilai sejarah, pendidikan, dan budaya suatu daerah. Postingan ini tentunya sangat menarik untuk menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu sejarah.
Jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan resteem postingan ini di akun saya. Terima kasih.
Tanggal: 26 Januari 2018Helloo @sndbox Saya, @menulissejarah (#menulissejarah)
wow love the insights of history in the year 1918 great year! end of world war one I think sndbox thank you
With love,
harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
(My latest artwork is "Government")
congrats to all winner... came to know many hidden or unknown events, occurrence and sacrifice by exploring 1918.
Special regards to @sndbox and @phillyhistory for organizing this contest.
Thank you for your support!
Sejarah yang mengguncangkan jiwa
congratulations to @paskadom
Thank you, bang @maulanagogo
Through the entire challenge I learnt lot of things it helps me to know more about those times and the people!!
good !!
Honestly, as new comer in steemit, I did not even expect to receive this much appreciation. Having chance to be participant of this challenge was already making me so happy .
Gam Inong Blogger (GIB)Thank you @sndbox and associates for this incredibly unexpected announcement. Thank you for and #KSI who have been supporting me.
Congratulation for mbak @mariska.lubis and @paskadom too.
Thanks alot :)
All the winners open the new information for my brain... :)
They all deserve it...
thanks. I hope the building that I created the sketch remains upright as a memento in our city. best regards @sndbox
Congratulations to all the winners !Thanks @sndbox. You just gave me a boost to write more articles now. Thanks for selecting me as the 4th position. The reward you presented to me just helped me more than I thought .
Thank you @sndbox , it was a great contest which you and your partners hosted, i felt honored and spend quality time to write my country's story and i wish there will be more like this in future!