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RE: Trigger Pulled - Training Starts

in #exhaust5 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the mention dude!
Well, I think all depends on what would be your dedication per week, I mean, how many days a week you will train?
My first advice to you is to build a consistent volume first, 50 to 60km a week would be excellent...
But not from the first week, try to start with 30km a week divided in 3 sessions composed by 2 short runs 8 to 10km at 5’20”/km pace in average and then 1 long run at 5’30”/km of 12-14km.
The following week try to increase a little the length of the long run.
Do it for one month.
The second month I would add one training day more doing some uphill runs to gain strength.
The third month I would introduce long intervals in one of the four sessions, ideally 8 repetitions of 1000 running at your Lactate threshold which must be around 4’40”/km...

Btw, what is your recent PB on a 10K?

Posted using Partiko iOS


Thanks, Eddie!

  • I was thinking I can probably run 3~4x/week ;
  • Ramping up from 30km/week to 60km/week sounds doable, and is familiar with the weekly volume I used to hit back in ~2014;
  • The pace targets are super helpful! I've never really structured it quite that much -- but I think this is going to be key to getting a bit faster.
  • Is there a decent way to test lactate threshold?

As far as a recent PB -- I'd say around 55 minutes.. Haven't been training too much these days. I think my actual PB is a little under 49'.

BTW -- this is all super helpful, and I'm going to use it to hopefully build a training calendar in EXHAUST. I'll keep you posted! Thanks again!

Ok...if your recent 10k best is 49’, your current Lactate threshold should be just below 5’/km... which is the future pace to keep during the half Marathon in the future...
The paces I wrote look consistent then...
Draft a plan and calendar and share it if you feel needed of opinions.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks man!

Hopefully I can draft up a calendar in the next day or two here!