Trigger Pulled - Training Starts

in #exhaust5 years ago

I've been on the fence for the last month or two about whether or not I should sign up for an October half-marathon event this year...


Humming and hawwing all the time -- but then I got around to looking at some previous results, and thinking about how good I felt when I was running more. I'm excited to say that the trigger has been pulled, and I've registered for the Victoria GoodLife Half Marathon in October of this year.

This is my first time running a Half Marathon event in my new home-town of Victoria BC, so I'm pretty excited. I've usually been going back to Kelowna in the fall to run in an event back there, as a bit of a family tradition -- but participation has waned a little bit, and I've kinda-sorta verbally committed to running this event in Victoria w/ some friends from work.

SO. Long story short -- it's happening in:

88 days gives me about twelve and a half weeks to get back into the kind of shape that I'd like to be in. My PB for a half marathon is 1:47:12 from the 2014 Whistler Half Marathon and I was pretty psyched on that time. Some of my other results range from 1:47:25 to a more recent 2:06:11.

I'd be pretty psyched to get back into the 1:45:00~1:55:00 range -- so I'm gonna start looking at some training plans in detail here.

(Fun fact -- Through sussing out a training plan that works for me, I intend to slap together a "training calendar" section on EXHAUST that should tell me roughly how much I might expect to earn by completing the training plan in full)

Any runners out there with some recommendations on training volume/frequency and different workout 'types'? I'm looking at you:


Good Luck @mstafford...we'll be watching closely with your progress. I think Eddie has some good points and I think the only think I can add is;

  1. You have more than enough time to get to where you need to be.
  2. If you feel you are not making progress, feel free to add in some additional shorter speed work. Eg; you could even add 3 or 4 sprints at the end of each of your runs. Sprint for about 15 seconds, then make sure you walk or slowly job for about 4 minutes after each spring to recover.
    Good Luck Mate!!!

I fully agree with the sprints works after the short would build your speed and so you will get more margin at the race pace

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the advice, brotha! Looking forward to getting some mileage in and taking it seriously again.

Sprints sound good -- I used to incorporate them a bit back in the day.

Sounds like I'll finally have an opportunity to make use of the running track that's not too far away from home.

Hey! Thanks for the mention dude!
Well, I think all depends on what would be your dedication per week, I mean, how many days a week you will train?
My first advice to you is to build a consistent volume first, 50 to 60km a week would be excellent...
But not from the first week, try to start with 30km a week divided in 3 sessions composed by 2 short runs 8 to 10km at 5’20”/km pace in average and then 1 long run at 5’30”/km of 12-14km.
The following week try to increase a little the length of the long run.
Do it for one month.
The second month I would add one training day more doing some uphill runs to gain strength.
The third month I would introduce long intervals in one of the four sessions, ideally 8 repetitions of 1000 running at your Lactate threshold which must be around 4’40”/km...

Btw, what is your recent PB on a 10K?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks, Eddie!

  • I was thinking I can probably run 3~4x/week ;
  • Ramping up from 30km/week to 60km/week sounds doable, and is familiar with the weekly volume I used to hit back in ~2014;
  • The pace targets are super helpful! I've never really structured it quite that much -- but I think this is going to be key to getting a bit faster.
  • Is there a decent way to test lactate threshold?

As far as a recent PB -- I'd say around 55 minutes.. Haven't been training too much these days. I think my actual PB is a little under 49'.

BTW -- this is all super helpful, and I'm going to use it to hopefully build a training calendar in EXHAUST. I'll keep you posted! Thanks again!

Ok...if your recent 10k best is 49’, your current Lactate threshold should be just below 5’/km... which is the future pace to keep during the half Marathon in the future...
The paces I wrote look consistent then...
Draft a plan and calendar and share it if you feel needed of opinions.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks man!

Hopefully I can draft up a calendar in the next day or two here!

You are a bit quicker than me, but I got by with a couple of training sessions each week, one of intervals plus a longer run. I may do another one next year.

Thanks for the tips! I've never really followed any kind of 'structured' training plan. So I'm interested to see what may be out there.

Did you follow anything in particular?

The Endomondo app can come up with training plans for you, but last time I tried that it refused as it was too close to the race :) I expect there are plenty online. I just try to mix it up a bit and work up towards the full distance.

Psyched for you to get back into it! Here's a !BEER to ease the coming pain!

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Lets try having another !BEER ! Don't tell me that my fridge is empty.

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Hey @mstafford, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!