Thank you for doing this each week, Luke. I am new to steemit and crypto and trying to learn. I went back to your original post to see the basis of your thoughts here and although much of this is going over my head, I am glad to read it.
I'm thinking those people taking the big money out are on the plan where they get so much per week for many weeks. Is that correct? I'm an accountant, and yes, I would be screaming at anyone to diversify if they suddenly had these huge gains so money leaving does not bother me.
Thank you for reading, learning, and being so interested. The rabbit hole goes deep, but it's definitely worth it!
Everyone has their own reasons for powering down and/or caching out their Steem earnings. Personally, I've been here a year, and I've yet to power down, though I have played the market a couple times. IMO, the long term value of Steem is high.
You're welcome. I'm trying to get my son in here. I know will he understand this better than me, but so far no go.
I will more than likely take the cash part when it is over $$$.$$ (not sure yet) and leave the power - it all came from nowhere, so I will let the power part ride.
The thing that is getting me excited is the ability to rank on google for my "real" content - the weight loss and health message I have been posting for six years. I hope this will be the game changer for me.
I have not posted my real work yet, but I will after I get more acclimated. The one You Tube video I posted got a good jump in traffic immediately after I hit Enter here. I was shocked and this gives me great hope.
I'm a big loser in the "real" stock market over the years. I know better than to think I can judge markets now :)
Steemit is going to create a lot of really amazing opportunities for so many people. I hope that includes you! Good luck.