Ever since the first wooden leg was fashioned for the first pirate, people in a way have been merging with equipment of one kind or another. Having an antenna installed in the brain to see better sounds like a neat idea. Messing around with embryos and genetics, not so neat. However, I think perhaps there may be a role for natural selection, because the world is not as orderly as technology would lead us to believe.
For example, a highly virulent pathogen for which only a small percentage of the population have natural immunity--that would be one form of natural selection that would defy the orderly universe of technology. Or how about UV-induced melanomas? With increased UV in highly populated areas, might not natural selection weed out those with greater susceptibility to this cancer? Just two kind of off-the-wall ideas that popped into my head as I read through your piece.
I don't think natural selection is done with us yet. It might surprise us. Of course, by the time that happens, many of us may not be around to see it.
This was a fascinating blog, full of provocative suggestions. Got me thinking.
Except maybe we achieve a form of immortality. - maybe digital immorality.
Messing with embryos is just small compared to what's coming ahead. A time could come when humans would virtually be able to create the kind of humans they desire. It's actually hard to think this would still be called "evolution", maybe we'll just call it "manipulation" or better still "technovolution".
Thanks for coming around
You're welcome!