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RE: Human Sacrifice... Yep, I think I was wrong about that.

in #evil8 years ago

I'm not sure if this is comforting or unsettling for you @dwinblood but I had considered the exact same thing. The ritualistic aspects of these societies are pretty hokey, but the power that blackmail can wield makes it the perfect tool. Greed and power can't be counted upon to keep someone silent, fear of exposure and prison works really well though.

Maybe McCain will have a come to Jesus moment and confess his transgressions before his head explodes?

Stranger things have happened.


Yes, that has basically been my thought for awhile. I needed to reconcile motive, and how it could be kept secret. Once I did that it became plausible. Then watching for awhile after that and paying attention I believe it is even probable at this point.

That type of "pageantry" for lack of a better term, has a tendency to reinforce a sense of divine right to rule too. i.e the subjugation of lesser beings.

Pizza gate is a lot more real than not pizzagate. The truth of world wide sex rings, murder, coverups and blackmail is much more real than honorable people in power.
Unfortunately the TRUTH is very dark and all of this satanic shit does exist even if its just in a select few. The real problem is that these select few are in major POWER.