Sounds satisfying. I used to love living near Bath in the UK with all the balloons going past - the chsssh sound they make when they get close on a summer's night. I vaguely remember there was something about having to buy teh farmer a whiskey if they landed in his field.
I can't help thinking of the Ian McEwan book 'Everlasting Love' or something like that? That starts off with these people watching a guy fall out of one - eek. I went up in one once as my uncle used to fly them. Scarey as. Wouldn't do it again. Way to crazy flimsy for me!
Here it's a bottle of champagne. They've landed here a few times, but we turned the bottle down, as we don't drink. I've always wanted to ride in one, but doubt I ever will, as it's a lot of $$.
When steem moons, i expect you to balloon!!!
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