POWH / POWH3d / P3D is now over 3000 ETH!
Hold on before you get excited and buy some PoWH coin. I invested in POWH coin around the same time I started working on and investing on EtherStocks . I have noticed a few things. PoWH coin has a built in referral system. This gives 30% dividends to the referrer. Since most people have joined this way, this takes away a ton of Dividends from the other players that can't invite as many people. On EtherStocks there is no comission. We all benefit equally from new players and you have a team working for you to get this website out to as many people as possible. You can advertise if you like, buy its not a necessity for making good Dividends.
Its Too Big(thats what she said lol)
Now that PoWH is over 3000 ETH, it costs you almost 1 Eth for 100 tokens. The market cap of PoWH ismillions of tokens. The exact number is unknown because the site is super confusing and it doesn't even show you. Would you rather split Dividends between 1,000 tokens or over 1 million? On EtherStocks we show you how many tokens are in circulation and we are completely transparent. You can visit our Discord and talk directly with the project leader https://discord.gg/s82Ntg7. We made this game for the community and the community helps make most decisions and new features.
There is only 1
There is only 1 PoWH 3d. Once you buy it, you just sit there and check it from time to time... Very boring. At EtherStocks we have 32 seperate contracts that you can pick and choose from. If you make a ton off of one and the price gets too high, you can sell and buy a cheap one. We have the Day Trader mini game to help pump stocks and provide a fun element to play while you wait on your Dividends. We have more mini games coming to keep things fun and interesting. We also do a pump of the day. We tell you when we are going to buy a stock just so you can make Dividends off of our deposits. This also helps you to diversify your buys and guarantee profit.
Buy of the Day
Just to help everyone grasp what I'm trying to say, try it out for yourself. Deposit a small amount in PoWH 3d, and then deposit the same amount in our Buy of the Day. The featured Buy of the Day is TULIPS. Now just sit and wait about 24 hours. I will make a .1 Eth Buy into TULIPS and I invite all those listening to deposit and make Dividends off of me and everyone else's deposit. Then comment this post and let us know just how much more you made with EtherStocks
Be sure to join us on Discord https://discord.gg/s82Ntg7
If you know a little bit about coding you can see what I'm talking about here, this is PoWH 3D's contract code:
string public name = "PowH3D";
string public symbol = "P3D";
uint8 constant public decimals = 18;
uint8 constant internal dividendFee = 10;
uint256 constant internal tokenPriceInitial = 0.0000001 ether;
uint256 constant internal tokenPriceIncremental_ = 0.00000001 ether;
uint256 constant internal magnitude = 2**64;
When will these people learn???
BitConnect 3.0
Craig Grant recently posting about it and I am being skeptical maybe I need to further research it from now. Thanks for this post @brittuf
Although my upvote is small I am happy to share it with you.
Awesome post. I just put some more in Tulips. I'm in all the featured stocks on EtherStocks. And like most of the other early players I'm HODL! Dividends are great return plus the appreciation.
BrittUF check this out! https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@steven-patrick/etherstocks-next-big-thing-night-trader
EtherStocks looks good by reading this post,but its risky i think
I feel similar, have to be cautious with all these type of things, although I will say that I have been stalking their discord for a while and the community looks like they are all committed to eachother and the future, and they just seem to be real nice people. The graphs were a nice addition to the new site, although it lacks a lot of the functions the old site had imo.
Thank you very much for the detailed information I will also look into this coin
Coincidentally, it was me stumbling upon the original PoWH that brought me to EtherStocks. But I'm glad it did!
Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: 🎁! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.
ok @contentvoter , vote to you too
Although my upvote is small I am happy to share it with you.
I am interested in your proposal and I will join the group of discord, I have a series of questions, you have awakened my interest and I want to know more about that.
thanks for your interest
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Your post is a little misleading and confusing... POWH is not POWH 3D. POWH OG was insecure with overflow and the latter seems well designed. From code to contract to intent, things seem pretty solid (currently). Obviously, the more you do, the more holes you can potentially create. However, to your point, "There is only 1 PoWH 3d. Once you buy it, you just sit there and check it from time to time... Very boring."
I think this is why people are buying into it. Sometimes simplicity goes a long way. To be fair, I have not looked at Etherstocks, but Powd 3D is one of the more interesting projects at play. There's actually some brilliance to the concept, contract and execution of P3D.
Etherstocks sounds like it has a lot going on. Maybe too much. The learning curve needs to be low because there's only so much time in the day. I will check it out when I find the time. Been in this game a long time and I will check out anything that looks interesting but the site has about 45 seconds to capture my interest.
EtherStocks is not complicated at all. All the stock contracts are made with some of the same code as PoWH. The contracts are actually the fixed version of OG. Then the PoWH team got greedy, thats why the dividends aren't as good. Please visit the site before making opinions.
At the time of my comment, I had not viewed your site so I was not saying your site is complicated. I was trying to visualize what you were talking about in your post beyond comparing div rewards when the tokens are very different. Correct me if I am wrong but Etherstocks is in the game category? I personally wouldn't categorize PoWH 3D as a game. Your post was clearly not intended for people who are not familiar with your site. Thirty-two contracts is a lot. Anyway, what caught my eye was that you were referring to PoWH (OG) and PoWH 3D in the same breath. For me, the divs aren't what makes 3D interesting. The solidity code is so simple it's borderline brilliant. However, I do have concerns but everyone in this space should. I will take a look at your site. Thanks for the response. Cheers.
I have been watching Powh from the first inception, and now intrigued by Etherstocks, I understand what etherstocks is trying to do by adding more contracts basically give more people a chance to get in on ground floor, but it also dilutes the traffic. Interesting to watch both and see what happens. I am going to post a youtube video with a side by side investment of both and update regularly, I will check back here with a link soon.
Thanks for checking it out. I would call all of these gambling games.
this is a great post! im gonna join this
I hope you do! :) Join the Discord, community is very active. Tag me if you have any questions. Same username. I'm very active there.
Gah! How have I not seen Etherstocks before? Heading over to dig into the mechanics.
The "that's what she said" image literally made me laugh btw. Nice call! ;)
Looking forward to having you join our community! I am pretty active in the discord. If you have any question, just tag me. I have the same username
Verry nice post big thumbs up e un ristoro dalla mia parte per il duro lavoro e la dedizione
Excellent post. I will joined in your channel of discord. Grettings from Venezuela
Steady, nice and innovative your postings, I like to see, read and enjoy. Thanks for sharing.
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @brittuf!
a great post that provides information and communication for users and promotion link discord
Looks pretty risky, not trying to spread fud but all of these programs blowing up nowadays pff...
This has actually been pretty stable, wouldn't stake too much on that yet, but worth a watch. Community seems pretty cool.
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Thank You! ⚜
been here and there but i've never heard of .... wait till i check ... powh coin? what in tha hell is that?
It's essentially a way for a guy under the alias "Ponzi" and a few others get rich quick by having you all buy into his coin so they can cash out your Eth. At this point they've won and the fall down is coming and everyone is going to lose a lot of ETH. You can look up the ever successful original PoWH coin to learn what I'm talking about.
wonderful post, keep going, thanks for your post
Almost 4000 Ether in powh now, the price increase has been substantial the last few days. I'll probably cash out once the dumping into the contract shows down. But right now I'm just gonna hold on for the ride.
when you cash out buy some cheap stocks on EtherStocks and ride the wave over and over
Need more volume on Ether Stocks!
This contract must be doing great for those who were in early and own 1000s of tokens but atm one ethereum gets less than 100 tokens. I am still interested to see how an investment at this point will do. I am going to do a youtube video comparing the 2 sites, and do a side by side investment with daily updates to see which does better.Absolutely agree with this statement. This is an interesting site that shows how many powh3D tokens are in circulation: https://powh3d.eu/
powh will hit a point where people start selling off, then the massive gains will end and earnings will just be from dividends. At that point I think powh kind of loses it's appeal. Maybe around then people will discover Ether Stocks and head over in droves.
I actually made the video yesterday where I buy .4eth in EtherStocks and Powh, since the video Powh has gone up 20%!! Right now my powh3d tokens and dividends are still only worth .361 eth so still well below break even while going up 20%...seems kind of crazy. Still they are beating my EtherStocks shares that are only worth .333. Still less than a full day so we will see as days go by. I have to work on editing the video, not sure if I have time today but I will try and get it up asap.
thank you for your submission. your submission makes me gain new experience ..
Congratulations.! I like the post very much hope you can post beautiful ly, please, please, please give an upvote @giearxel
i did a POWH earlier for buying bitcoin at USD8k and now bitcoin jus around USD7k =x
my friend even worst, he buy in during USD15k and now he holding the bitcoin with tears
Great post! Full PoWH 3D Coin Review here! https://scamorno.com/PoWH-3D-Coin-review/?id=steem-brittuf
Check this game out, look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income. The game has passed the crypto kitties game on the Dapp Radar. The smart contract is coded to tax 10% of the ETH. when users purchase the (P)roof (O)f (W)eak (H)ands tokens and divides the ETH. tax to people who are already holding and also 10% of when users sell “20% total”. The name of the game is to hold as long as you can while you get earnings from the constantly taxed “Strong hand” buys and the taxed “weak hand” sells. If you don’t want to play anymore, you can pull out all your earnings all at once but with a 10% tax fee that gets divided to the stronger hands. This is what the ERC-20 smart contract is programed to do. Doesn’t hurt to look at the contracts open source code at least, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.

You obviously just spam and didn't read the article pointing this out exactly. When you buy PoWH your dividends go to spammers like this person.