Etherium, $51,000.00 Mistake, Don't make it!!!

in #etherium8 years ago (edited)

While in my happy stupor of litecoin mining for the past one month I was suddenly awakened to the fact that I had carelessly lost over $51,000.00 by simple omission. Well the whole story starts when I (who live in the place called Nigeria by the way) first got myself involved in MMM the popular ponzi scheme. Being investigative by nature I spent three sleepless nights reading their ponzi plan/whitepaper (where they promised the heaven on earth, and made a ridicule of the banking system) before being convinced that it was a viable enterprise, after that, hardly anyone could convince me otherwise. I took off with Nigerian Naira and graduated almost immediately into Bitcoin, being of an adventurous nature i was flying high with this new freedom to invest internationally at will!! Or so I believed.

Well just as my plan was maturing, towards December 2016(as I was planning to start my harvesting in January), the entire pyramid came to a grinding halt MMM Nigeria Freezes. Without placing any blame on anybody this "situation", which of course they where experts in managing, by doing absolutely nothing whatsover, became a quagmire of sorrow, as many Nigerians slithered helplessly into the trap of carrying on with the scam or losing all. I for one chose to move on, it was a sorry situation as I had introduced quite a few of my friends into the biz and they ended up quite stranded. But somehow we survived, comforting each other by throwing abuses at the management of the scheme and hoping it would resume normal operations, which it did much later on, by then I had already personally sworn not to go back.

Bitmain Technologies and that has been my saving grace. My investments in bitcoin mining have seen me through so many tough times including leaving my Job, and taking care of my family and just living from day to day.Well what came next, Bitcoin mining [Genesis Mining] ( )while doing MMM I had been looking at other legitimate things to do with bitcoin, and somhow I stumbled upon Bitcoin Mining, this became my next focus and I worked hard to get a lot of referrals and to build up my investment. Eventually I also discovered

So how did I lose $51,000.00 patience I'll tell you all now. In January 2017 after the MMM debacle I heard of etherium, there was a lot of hype about this coin, then it was being advertised at $10, at that time I had over $1500.00 to invest. Due to my already nice dividends coming from Bitcoin mining I chose to ignore Etherium and instead went on an adventure into HYIP schemes just to see how they operate, I also ordered two antiminer S6 machines from a website that turned out to be a complete scam, it was called bitman who scammed me of about $900 which I paid in Bitcion for two Antminers plus delivery (yes be carefull with your bitcoin), this site was a complete scam, please do not confuse this scam with Bitmain Technologies which is a well trusted company.

Well considering this information, and seeing that the price of etherium rose to approximately $370 at one point I can truthfully say my 150 pieces of Ether would have been well worth more than $51,000 had I used this money to buy and hold.
Learn From Me!!! Don't make the same mistake
So somehow it suddenly dawned on me this week after writing a whole load of articles about vampires and bitcoin and whatever, that I may just have been the one that shot myself in the foot. And I've sworn it won't happen again. So what is the present plan. Buy everything is cheap, before the next rally.
I am stocking up and I'll be holding long term. My goal hold 10,000 of each of these dirt cheap coins and sell off in percentages of 10 until my investment is recovered, then hold till I strike gold. I will detail my analysis in my upcoming posts.
If you love this, then resteem this baby!!!