Bitcoin and Ethereum are now in an ongoing debate, deciding who will be the new face of crytocurrency. But with all that's happening it's not surprising that Ethereum is winning this debate so far. What makes Ethereum so successful is simply that's it has a better target audience, and it doesn't face many of the public issues people have with Bitcoin.
You see, Bitcoin has been facing a lot of issues lately, not only with BIP 148, but with legal troubles in Israel where the court ruled in favor of banks. Meanwhile, Ethereum had an amazing start with many large companies behind it and a lot of public interest in their smart contract technology. But why would a bunch of buissnesss buy into Ethereum? The answer, it benefits them. You see, Ethereum is a great business tool, Russia knows this and that's why Putin has now become interested in it.
So what helped Ethereum do well is actually quite simple, it had a great start, a lot of initial interest, and now there are a lot of buissnesss and investors who want to get in, it was the ideal conditions from success.
I read about this, many projects use ethereum and it has huge potential for other stuff too.
That is correct. It has a stronger backing and concept is good
I think it also has a lot to do with the drama behind the bitcoin team, a lot of users look at them as only caring about their own pockets.
And of coure, the scalability of Ethereum platform has no limits. Also, it allows faster transactions