Ethereum goes over $350 - Has it broken out of it's past slump? Why?

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

BTC is going up again; but I was surprised to see ETH doing the same thing...


Reading about Russian involvement with ETH, I saw this quote in a recent article today:

Alexander Dunaev, COO at emerging markets fintech company ID Finance, said that the Russian government is recognizing the change in financial services caused by technological disruption. ‘The last time the world saw such an unprecedented change was in the second half of the 20th century with the adoption of personal computers - which Russia missed due to geopolitical isolation. There is a lot of will to avoid this pitfall in the future.’

‘Blockchain may have the same effect on businesses that the emergence on the internet once had - it would change business models, and eliminate intermediaries such as escrow agents and clerks. If Russia implements it first, it will gain similar advantages to those the Western countries did at the start of the internet age,’ Martynov said.


When bitcoin will reach $10,000
Ethereum will reach $1,000
And Steem $10.


I assume you are correct. I was talking to a friend, showing steemit, and current price, and I was showing BCH, ETH, BTC, and LTC, comparing them all to STEEM.

If BCH can be $600, why can't STEEM? <!>

Yup, that sounds logic!

Well now that the mining difficulty comes. Everything is going to change

Please elaborate?

Ethereum Update. Metropolis, privacy. And smart contracts. This will change the prices before and after

Thanks for the heads up on this. I had not seen this announcement; it was fairly recent, 10 days ago.

When I decided to buy into eth some told me I was making a mistake, now they are buying in, while pretty much each day I am have been making money off eth, yeah it dropped some for a moment but then I was able to capitalize on it and am up and my initial investment I already have back safely in my back account, so I am playing with free money with that coin and am very very pleased.

ETH been berry berry good to me!

I believe that Russia will probably the first to introduce the blockchain and crypto into the world of the average person. We have already seen it in burger kings and other stores there as well as Russia have been leading a mass operation on mining bitcoin.

We have already seen Vitalik meet Putin showing their huge interest in blockchain technology and ETH will definitely have a bright future if Russia uses it for smart contracts as well as companies like Microsoft and Visa trying to pick up Ethereum Developers.

It seems like Russia will be financially prosperous in the coming years while the rest of the world tries to hold on to the failing fiat system. Russia will probably gain the status of being IT and technological leaders sooner or later.

That is why I've started to accumulate Waves as well. I don't know if we will see the same growth as ETH but I think there is still potential to grow @surfyogi

One thing I contemplate is there could be something of a new arms race here.
Can the US fail to respond to Russia embracing blockchain tech openly?

I think it could be because of the recent news regarding "metropolis" on the Ethereum network.

It was mentioned in one of @crypt0's videos (yesterday I believe) that the first part of that network update is due to be activated.

I guess it's kind of a SegWit-like move on the Ethereum network.

To be clear, I'm not saying Metropolis = SegWit either.

I see that this technology is still going to become a government, because everything a government needs, transparency, has as vote for its type of representatives, Example: steemit with witnesses. Putin interested in creating a currency and invited Vitalik, and Vitalik will make an of ethereum fork that will be called metropoly.

Well, Ethereum was always a major cryptocurrency which have some real applications in the 'Real' world. Not many crypto currencies are usable at this point into the real world. Either they are in development stage or just planning for their development. Ethereum has risen to a great length in the past and broke all the records of fastest growth.
For past 1-2 months it was down indeed, but it doesn't mean that it'll stay there. It has to rise. Many applications or even many cryptocurrency still use ethereum platform for their work. So, I am pretty sure it will rise.
Now, about it's fall, the reason being Bitcoin hardfork and segwit 2X implementation. Because of that segwit hype, majorty of people converted their money into BTC and left the market just to enter again after Bitcoin fork as well as the greed of Bitcoin cash. All the market was down at that time, alongwith Ethereum. And just after that Neo got a new announcement and all the focus shifted to NEO.
I am sure if a single news goes viral about ethreum right now, it'll rise exponentially and break it's all previous record. Crypto market is just news based. Most poeple invest illogically that's why good currencies are still at a low price like Factom, Maidsafe and Golem.
But people still ahve trust in Ethereum and it'll surely gain momentum shortly. In fact, it has risen greatly in past few days. Let's see what it has in its pocket for all of us . :)

Very likely you are correct in many of these views.

Thank you :)

Lots of good news behind ETH recently. Russia definitely adding to the pile.

On an article on Steemit in past month, i commented that etherium will rise, when Putin met its founder. But some of my did not agree with my argument. However i still believe that etherium is a more feature rich and advanced currency than bitcoin and thus it finds vast acceptance. And it is a universal truth that a thing with that much acceptance is nearly impossible to stop.

"Russia did it" - the left

That's all you got?

I think the 7/31-8/1 Bitcoin event pushes BTC to the head of the news, charts, market, etc so everything grew with it slowly but took a major back seat. now that BTC is still growing everything else is starting to get attention again. But in my opinion Bitcoin Cash is ridiculous and cant believe it is growing let alone even alive. Grew too fast, out of no where, insane market cap.

Been holding and buying ETH for awhile as my main game, glad we are getting some love now!

I believe your right and perhaps all it might take is some country to make the first move and who knows more may follow fast

If Russia takes certain steps in this direction, this will certainly affect the better, as well as if any other country does!

USD is droping in value , BTC goes up , can't find my other shoe , Dog ate my sandwich , Girfriend is mad at me .

I blame Obama !

So i guess Russia some how always have positive effect on the world with this positive news you have just given. Time for me to invest in ethereum i guess?

I believe all smart contract tokens are a great deal right now; I intend to further invest USD assets into them going forward. I certainly no longer trust the dollar; and will attempt to remove my dependance from it soon...

What is really happening to the dollar? It is going down why?

I believe the USD is based on petroleum and the "Petrodollar" so then now that electric trucks are announced by Tesla and Cummings, the world will be moving away from gasoline powered cars..
But also saving money today will not pay interest on a savings account.
And so much USD is printed, it will cause inflation.

I don't trust USD investments, and almost all investments in US are based on USD.
Then we have crypto.
I like it better than gold.


Invest Invest Invest!!! and more investing :) It seems that the future of cryptocurrency is really really goooood =D

hope bitcoin may reach high and Ethereum may progress.

I was so sure that crypto currency will have a correction after the bitcoin fork--but it seems like Cryptospace has his own rules now till segwit is activated moon is the limit.
great to be on board.

nice post @surfyogi, yes that's awesome achievement with the induction of blockchain we are able to remove that middle man problem. thanks for sharing

🔷 to the 🌙🙌🏾

ETH is another FUD, and those early adopter who manage to ignore FUD is ripping what they sow. And those who tell ETH as mistake now buying and swallow there pride.

I think Chines news about regulation ico ( neo ) has a great impact on ethereum price , i think ether will reach 400$ very soon

Very useful information. Thanks for sharing my friends @surfyogi

ETH has a great future.

In my opinion ETH e LTC will become more and more strong

I agree with @jwolf

When bitcoin will reach $10,000
Ethereum will reach $1,000
And Steem $10+