ASUS GTX 970 STRIX - Mining Ethereum with 22MH/s?

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)

Start minig is really complicated these days, all the hardware is sold-out and if you have an gtx 970 there are so many "make this and that ... posts" that may confuse you.

Are 22mh/s possible with this card? 

Maybe, but the watt per hash ratio is horrible! My personal best was ~21MH/s an that was unstable and my card going like crazy with ~7.8watt per MegaHash.

After this guide you are able to mine ETH on the "sweet spot", means:

  1. Economic - prob. best watt per hash ratio for you
  2. Not blocking your PC - able to work with your PC with no "pixel-fails" etc.
  3. Stable - No heat problems or crashed miner exceptions


  • Windows 10
  • 1x ASUS GTX 970 STRIX 
  • Nvidia driver 382.53 (actual driver)
  • ASUS GPU Tweakll
  • Genoil 1.1.7 (OpenCL-mode)
  • NVIDIA Inspector (other versions crashed often)
  • as  mining-pool (works great for me)

NVIDIA driver:

There are so many recommendations for the older (Win7) drivers, and i tried most of them with different setups, miners etc, but in the end the current 382.53 driver was doing his job great.

There is only one limitation: 

  1. You cannot use cuda-miners (genoil-cuda, claymore-dual)

Required setting:  NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings -> Optimize for compute


I'am using the genoil 1.1.7 miner in OpenCL-Mode and this miner works really fast/stable imo.



  1. OpenCL support
  2. Fast 
  3. Configurable


  1. No integrated monitoring
  2. No dual-mining
  3. No remote control


The NVIDIA Inspector is easy to use and you got most of the informations.

  1. Power  - this should be as low as possible
  2. Temp - under 65° you can mine almost silent with this card
  3. GPU usage - informational
  4. MCU - informational

Now you can create 3 different setups with these information

  1. Mine silent
  2. Mine with best watt/hash ratio
  3. Mine as fast as possible

SETX ENV-Variables:

On every Miningpool-site i found something like this:


You just don't need this with a single gtx 970 (2GB Memory, Multi-GPU etc.)

cl-local-work / cl-global-work

The genoil-miner has 2 options who are really important.

This options are required for a stable Win 10 an max. watt/hash ratio. After searching on Google and trying some combinations i found my personal best:

--cl-local-work 128 --cl-global-work 3584


With this tool you can enable the OC-functionality and getting some informations like enabled devices, P-States and Clock-speed.

Short: (just place the first 2 numbers into the XXX fields)

cd C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\
nvidia-smi -q -d SUPPORTED_CLOCKS | more
nvidia-smi -ac XXXX,XXXX


Batch files (start miner with scheduler):

Create 2 Files in the genoil folder:


start start_nanopool.bat
timeout /T 5000
taskkill /F /IM ethminer.exe
timeout /T 5
goto loop1
ethminer.exe --farm-recheck 200 -G -S -FS -O [ETH Account].[Worker name]/[EMAIL] --cl-local-work 128 --cl-global-work 3584

This will also work for other pools or regions, just don't forget the cl-settings.

Now you can start the "start_scheduler.bat" and every 5000 seconds it will shutdown the miner and start a new one.

Step by step:


  1. Install Nvidia driver and reboot.
  2. Preconfigure OC via Asus GPU Tweak with a new profile (all on complete low)
  3. Enable OC posibility via nvidia-smi
  4. Loop over drivers/miners if you think there are better ones


  1. Choose your first goal (silent, economic, full-power)
  2. Create a new profile on GPU Tweak and modify it with your suggestions
  3. Create a new start_xxx.bat and modify it with your suggestions
  4. Start NVIDIA Inspector
  5. Start your miner and save the informations like (power, hashrate, temp etc.) after 5min and test something like firefox.
  6. Adjust and repeat till you reach the goal

Note: Loading DAG-File is always "laggy". 

Profiles i found useful:


GPU Boost Clock : (-50 Economic) (-10 Performance) (+50 Peak)

Max GPU Voltage: (+0 Economic) (+0 Performance) (+0 Peak)

Memory Clock:  (-1000 Economic) (+700 Performance) (+1000 Peak)

Power Target: (-38 Economic) (-25 Performance)  (+5 Peak)



--cl-local-work 32 --cl-global-work 1024 (PC Usage)

--cl-local-work 128 --cl-global-work 3584 (Econonic/Performance/Peak)

Personal sweet-spot "Economic":

In my case it's about 68% power  (145 * 0.68 = 98,6 Watt) (98,6/16 = 6.16 Watt per 1MH),

63° with 750rpm spinning fan (pretty silent)

This setup is complete stable and economic. Best Hash/Watt ratio, stable OS and miner.

Nanopool guessed my 72h mining-session with 18.5MH/s (found more shares than expected for 16MH/s)

In this case we are mining with 5.32Watt per MegaHash -> not the best one but still pretty good.

(The wattage is just suggested and only includes the GPU without the mainsystem)


This guide is not complete and iam 100% sure it includes wrong suggestions with the wattage.

Just wanna share my experience and hope it saves you some time.

Also thanks to all the reddit and youtube guys who posting about the gtx970 and mining


Thank you for these tips. I've followed them and received pretty much the same figures as you. Saved me a lot of time and hassle. I could make it up to 21, but not much further for it to be stable, too hot or too noicy. Now I am mining at around 19-20 stable. I have global work set to 4096.

One little tip back is to add "exit" on a new row last in the bat-file that starts the miner (in your case start_nanopool.bat). That way you don't need to manually close all DOS-prompt windows which are generated by the scheduler bat-file (which was an awesome idea btw!).

Also, I've noticed that setting a timer for 3600ms gives me less pool offline notifications via email on miner going offline.
(Miner just sometimes stops mining but without crashing the rig, so reducing the restart timer helped with that).


Thank you!

Yeah the "no exit" was just for monitoring and loggin purposes, mabye it's better to pipe into a logfile .
Did your miner really stop? or just no share found? (i got wrong "offline" mails due the missing reporting feature)

PS: Hope we can mine with these card till pos comes

Thanks for all the info on this setup has been loads of help. I'm having difficultly sorting out display graphics lag though once mining though. I'll tried reducing the pull from the gpu in mining to assist this issue but to no prevail. I'm just wondering if you to anyone has experienced this issue.

I also had this kind of problem and it's still a lill laggy, but now it's okay.

  • Restart your PC
  • Kill all services/tasks that are using the GPU (listed by nvidia-smi)
  • Get your preffered program in the foreground -> the explorer (desktop, menu etc.) is more laggy than chrome
  • lower global / local work till it's not laggy anymore


C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI>nvidia-smi

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID  Type  Process name                               Usage      |
|    0      7896    C   ...\ethereum\claymore-dual\EthDcrMiner64.exe N/A      |
|    1      1188  C+G   Insufficient Permissions                     N/A      |
|    1      4444  C+G   C:\Windows\explorer.exe                      N/A      |
|    1      5200  C+G   ...ost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe N/A      |
|    1      6092  C+G   ...indows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe N/A      |
|    1      8744  C+G   ...x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe N/A      |
|    1      9832  C+G   ...\ImmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe N/A      |

Windows Pro? Home?

Home, but i do not think there are any differences between the versions.
Do you know more about Pro/Home for mining?

Hey, thanks for the guide!

Although when I use your parameters with the latest miner () with my GTX970 it says:
"No GPU device with sufficient memory was found. Can't GPU mine. Remove the -G argument" (my iGPU is deactivated in the BIOS)

when i substituate the -G parameter with the -U or add after -G "--opencl-platform 1" I get it running but not over 14MH/s... Can you help me?

I use ethminer 0.12.0 (

Looks like complete "do it yourself", thank you for big work to make this article. For me, Im new at mining, and only thing Ive tried is mining Vertcoin, it was easy to install VertCoin On Click Miner and took few minutes to set up. Im not sure If i will be able to set up all above, looks to me very complicated...

Thank you for writing about the product Asus GTX because I am one of the users asus GTX for tools mining my BTC.

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nice tips mining ETH, Start minig is really complicated these days You can read Asus Vg248qe Driver