The day when Ethereum processed more transactions per day than Bitcoin!

in #ethereum7 years ago

Finally, it arrived. We talked about it, everybody talked, read and think about that day. Finally, it has arrived. Yesterday Ethereum Network processed 240.490k transactions, Bitcoin “only” 222.746k.

Chart source:

This is the confirm of what we (and many others) are trying to say since last year: if Bitcoin will not fix soon its problems (governance, block size and transactions fees) Ethereum will finally surpass BTC. We can say another thing: if BTC doesn’t fix its problems, Ethereum will not the only crypto who could try to surpass BTC. Please, keep in mind that BTC is still stronger than ever: its price continue rising, and the number of daily transactions (the main factor to keep in mind when you want to know the diffusion of a coin) is stuck ONLY due to Dev Core & Co. If Bitcoin will ever fix these problems, Bitcoin’ price could literally EXPLODE (3x or 4x the actual price).

Ok, due to its problems, Bitcoin is stuck. But how was possible that Ethereum surpassed BTC?

We selected 5 main reasons:

Bitcoin is so far from being a fast way to move money: we don’t want to waste time explaining again what and why.
ICOs: is not a news, during last year Ethereum based ICOs raised billions. Sure, some ICO was made accepting both Eth and BTC, some other (very few) accepted only BTC, anyway the GIANT number of eth raised with these ICOs (and the transactions to move these funds) helped to reach this goal.
Speculators/Investors/Startups are looking for altcoins: Bitcoin is EXPENSIVE. It is expensive to move, buy and spend your coins, so why you should use BTC? This point is a consequence of point 1. Sure, several subjects (we too) still hold and trade BTC, and the appeal of BTC for new investors is always something incredible. This is the only reason of BTC high price, nothing else.
Scalability: by default, Ethereum can process more transactions than Bitcoin. The only day that Ethereum could have scalability problems, miners raised the capacity of each block. This means that Ethereum acted in advance to prevent possible future problems. This is a strong signal about the efficiency of a team/ecosystem.
Ethereum has something that Bitcoin has not (or at least don’t use as it should): tokens! Like you can see in the image below, Ethereum has 15-25k transactions per day made by tokens. You can check these data by yourself visiting .

ethereum tokens transactions

This is a goal reached sooner than expected, now we can be quite sure that Ethereum could surpass BTC by market cap before the end of the year.

Stay tuned, stay safe.


Very nice elaborate post on the difference between these two crypto. I had previously thought that bitcoin was a clear number one and that nothing was going to change that at least for a few years. But if I am looking at recent news and especially your post of today I am really starting to think that I might be wrong on that notion

Yeah, i think allof or people thought like that.

I think myself that ethereum wil become the new number 1 in cryptocurrency's. Bitcoin is just nr 1 because this was the first coin.

If you look on the way bitcoin is build vs ethereum, then you see that ethereum has much more better features, and 1 big one of them is that bitcoin only has got 1mb reserved for transactions, and ethereum has got 2mb for it.

Thats the reason why transactions with bitcoin takes much more time then ethereum, and since we, humans dont like to wait a couple of hours for a transaction to be completed we probably choose for ethereum (3 secs).

I've got 7 coins at the moment, i'm only 26 years old and living on my own with my wife, but still i think this is one of the best investmenst you can make right now.

(bought 2 at a price of 220 euro, (last week) and yesterday bought me 5 more for 280 euro's a piece)