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RE: Oh no, Please Do Not Increase the Gaz Fee!

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

Following you buddy. I have made my own tokens and tested Ethereum from the point of view of practical use beyond being a crypto currency. The wallet and the functionality is a huge headache... practical use total bullshit from my point of view in comparison to EOS. I also mine it. And the coming iceage doesn't make me happier. Eth will be replaced by Meth, or Jane and Susan, or whatever the new coin pussy will be named...


Did you try Parity light ethereum client ? Ethereum is very easy to use, my grandma could send money with it, please dont take your bad experience for a generality.

"Practical use total bullshit" What could be the practical use of a world scale decentralised computer ? I wonder ? Ethereum wont be replaced, smart contracts tech is here and will stay.

Please supply links. I have myetherwallet with metamask as well as geth. Happy you have good experience. The normal transfer of funds is not my issue. I want to do with Ethereum what it promises, build DAPPs or Tokens and sell them etc.. THat's causing the headache, please help if you have experience. Thanks.