Journey to Crypto

in #ethereum7 years ago

My Journey in Crypto started after I was searching for ted-talks for some extra motivation and I stumbling upon one that mentioned cryptocurrencies as the future of money. Based on that one idea I was hooked. At the time I’ve “heard” about bitcoin and the obscured sky rocketing profits, making some average Joe’s millionaires… so I wanted in on some profits. All I could think of was show me the MONEY. After a few google searches I found Ethereum.

Lets just say Ethereum, a decentralized world wide network structure that executes transactions through smart contracts solves something huge (thinking outside of the box for once) I understood the potential and mentally foreshadowed the impact Ethereum could have in this century. So once I discovered this life changing opportunity I reached out to my closest love ones, and yes, everyone did think I was crazy.

I was fortunate enough to have some really freaking smart friends, you know the ones that if they think you’re wrong they’ll completely block out your ideas…yeah I had some of those but I learned that perseverance beats ignorance. Anyways some of my friends being software programmers, hedge fund analysis, aerospace engineers, and even lawyers all thought I was crazy.

I grew bored sum of telling these people to open their eyes and do their due diligence but they were all to ignorant and busy ignoring an opportunity of a life time. I decided not to give up so I kept strongly pushing the subject to those friends that truly mattered and sooner or later they listened. They always tell me looking hindsight 20/20 they fucked up by not listening earlier.

After a few months (luckly before the exponential growth) I had accumulated enough ethers that I no longer had to rely on my 9-5 job and boy was that the best feeling in the world. My recommendation to everyone is look into something that can change your life in a positive way and head that direction. We don’t need to be slaves to a 9-5 job that makes your life miserable. Go out and live life the way you want to live it. The crypto world has made this possible for me and It could do the same for you.


Good article and good insight. One better move to adopt new technologies and hopefully profit from it because technology will wipe you out if you are not able to innovate yourself and your skills.

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Thanks for the comment! I will deff be check your blogs out.