i do agree with your point @newsandviews. but in reality nobody know what will happen in cryptomarket. For example: Bitcoin drop down 2700 $ to 1900. & ethereum which everyone was thinking that will touch 450 also coming down from aprox 300 to 154 $. Now these are coins which are coming down from up. but coins which are just started their journey from satoshi like siacoin are cheaper & less risky to invest because they even didnt cross 1 $ to invest & if we will buy them now for long term sure at the time of development these kind of coins will surly give profit.
I will highly appreciate if i got more information & update from you.
It's not about the cost of the coin, it's about the cost relative to how many coins exist and if they have a viable business model that will sustainably separate them from the pack. ETH has this to the degree that they aren't destroyed by their own success with the ICOs that are pumping and dumping their price all over the place. Sia has it to the extent that the business concept is good, but sustained execution and growth is still to be seen. With Stratis, MS coding language use is not a long term sustainable advantage. It's a niche that's unique at the moment and that's it.