
When you give up citizenship you have to pay taxes to a certain point if you owe any. Also you don't gain anything by renouncing citizenship, you just lose whatever rights you had. So now the US government can legally spy on you am I right?

It all comes down to what is US citizenship worth to the individual? For some people, citizenship isn't worth as much as they can gain from cryptocurrency. That being said, just because you renounce in one place, doesn't mean you'll be more attractive as a stateless person.

My stance is, if I choose to remain a US citizen then it's in my best interest to be a good citizen. That means I have to comply with the law, pay the taxes I owe, adhere to the customs as best I understand them. I currently see nothing that can be gained by being a bad citizen in terms of freedom.

saw that earlier today.
Citizen is not defined as a human being.
Citizen only has limited rights and privelages.
Human being is entitled to human rights
When you consent to be a citizen you forfeit your human rights.
I have a post on your human rights that will explain what you are entitled to.

There is no military or law enforcement agency which can enforce "human rights". Show me the people with guns willing to use them to secure my human rights? At least as a citizen I have legal rights which is better than nothing at all.

It's called the Supreme Court that can enforce your human rights.

🍁 I just did a new post 🍁

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