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RE: ETC Mantis Release & Market Behavior

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

Neo seems like too much PR and Chinese government involvement. I would give the project a 7/10 is not garbage but I'm not investing in it.
I wonder how this will continue if the Colored Coins project takes off again (Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song and Vitalik were members of the colored project. Also Charlie Lee seems interested in taking that market from Ethereum) If people start launching tokens on the Litecoin blockchain and if Segwit integrates Litecoin with Bitcoin.

On a fundamental level I like Filecoin (especially they are able to solve the problem of "contribution valuation"), 0x seems pretty good, Ehtereum has always been pretty good and now with COCO by Microsoft is gonna be super good. Stratis developers are amazing but I'm not confident in it bringing something special.

I watch closely the projects in the 100k-5M marketcap. If I find a gem then I'm willing to wait 2 years and invest $100. Most of the big projects of today had only that much money, to begin with. Now everybody asks for 10x-100x the amount of fiat or Bitcoin they would have asked for just 6 months ago.

The more middle man the project the better. Coinbase is the fastest growing business in this space and wants to become the bank of this space, only 5 million invested a couple of years ago. Exchanges are making a killing. Ironic how it's all turning into the old regular stuff.


Not sure I follow the Filecoin logic. Have you done an analysis on it I could refer to?

Not, really. I've read the white paper. Basically, the idea is they plan to use the IPFS they invented and many projects including the systems for Casper in Ethereum are using. There are other storage options like Storj or Burst. What they are aiming for is a routing system to find the easiest route of access to a particular piece of data in a blockchain to solve the problem a latency, it could include Storj and Burst as part of its service. Not needing to travel the world and back to chat with someone that's a couple feet far from you.
Also Juan Bennet's intention of creating something like Bell Labs for computer science and cryptography.
Here's an interview in the Y combinator.

ETC is dead the market has chosen don't lie to your self and never hold onto a dog one of my axioms in life!

Where did I mention Ethereum Classic? I only mentioned Ethereum. Did you misread my comment or were trying to reply to someone else?