Short Review of Crypto

in #ethereum8 years ago


I'm just a beginner in world of cryptocurrencys, but so far I have been made few pretty good investments.
As you may see this is my first post here and I have so many thoughts on my mind especially about crypocurrency market and ICO-s. Do we really need them and what if we do ?

Here is my story: I started with cryptos about 6 months ago, it was beginning of the year 2017. This time market cap was barely 20 billion USD, but now Wow just wow it's more than 100 billion USD. It took only 6 months to get whole market cap 5 times bigger, it's growing rapidly. But is it fast enough or is it just for dumping again ? Like in May, where market cap was over 90 billion and in 3 days it fell to near 50 billion, why so ? I guess people got scared and started to taking their ROI-s out. Some people got good profit but some lost huge amounts. With this dump I lost about 35% earnings within 3 days but good thing is that, it took 2 days to get them back. Wasn't so bad, but if I would have been smarter, I could took good profit out there.

Anyway my first cryptocurrency where I invested was NEM (XEM) it brought me a little bit more than 35 times my money back. That's where it all began, I was amazed to got such huge profit out there, It was only 2 months holding. It really inspired me to deal more with cryptocurrencys. On those days I were stupid enough to not buy ethereum, it was only 8$ per ETH and now it's more than 300$, there are many other coins more that I didn't buy, only did some analyse and a little look up.

So, I have been watching and searching around for other coins, but now there is ICO time, especially those who uses Ethereum platform, why ? Cause it's more secure, decentralized and faster than Bitcoin. Well Bitcoin is first generation coin, it's mother of all cryptocurrencys and without it there is no way to face that where we're now. Ethereum is second generation coin, it is faster, some cases cheaper for example Poloniex sendings ETH fees cost about 1.9$ and BTC 0.28$, but ETH will go bigger with its market cap than bitcoin but if bitcoin dies it takes other coins with it, because Bitcoin is still heart of the cryptocurrencys.

If we're looking that ICO ''fever'' what's going on right now I think it's insane. Does a simple startup needs millions to create its MVP ? No it doesn't. I read article in and got there good example: There is ICO for workspaces called Primalbase, why would a shared workpace need it's own token? This guy has a point who brought this out, think about it... They don't need it, for crowdfunding there are other places.
Going through all ICO-s you will find plenty pointless ICO-s, one of the best ICO-s so far is BAT, why ? Point one: They have one of the badass team plus they got brilliant idea to cut out commercial middleman and spread fees with costumers and companies.

Comparing stock exchange with crypto exchange, we can see crypto exchange is just a baby. People are taking it more and more possibility to earn fast, but as long as they think only about earning profit it won't grow much, because there gonna be a lot dumps and pumps then. Cash in and cash out... I think It's one of the reasons why there are so many ICO-s coming out at the moment and it won't stop. Some people say crypto market is like google, apple etc.. was in the beginning. If it's true, this will be whole new world. It's even possible that cryptocurrency takes over fiat and people get their privacy back. But what if it does take it over ? We know that banks can trace out transactions but blockchain technology makes tracking impossible, cause it's network is spread out over the world. That's good right ? But still there will be someone who is able to trace transactions, this time it will be some Person who invented that Token you were using.

Anyway those are just my messy thoughts and opinions.

If it's build badly this will happen



Welcome to the community! Hold your coins and buy the dips, were only at the beginning of the blockchain time! Upvote and follow for you!

I find the best way of looking at coins is start first and the oldest announcements and see why coins failed.

Peercoin has lived through most of the pumps and dumps because it was never a pump and dump coin. :)