"they all have to dump ETH to supposedly fund their projects."
What? This seems to be the crux of your argument yet I don't really see it being justified. Why must all ETH projects dump ETH to fund themselves? Many ETH tokens accept more than just ETH during their initial raising of funds. I have bought into a few ETH tokens and I did so with BTC.
The one project I bought into with ETH was Mona.co and that project should fund itself hopefully with revenue from their credit card business. There are other projects that are hopefully going to earning revenue not by dumping ETH. TaaS is one token that comes to mind. They received their initial fund and should be making money with that fund. Using the profits they will be buying up ETH to pay out as dividends to TaaS holders.
How many of those tokens are actual real projects. How many are made by one company with different faces?
Huh? What bearing does that have on the fact that not all projects dump ETH to fund themselves?
I do not understand your question. All token projects have a monthly burn rate, which means they have to convert ETH to fiat to pay bills, salaries, Lamborghinis etc etc...
"which means they have to convert ETH to fiat to pay bills"
No, not all projects have to convert ETH to fiat in order to pay bills. I gave you specific examples of projects that don't.
You've made the assumption that all projects sole source of funds is a pile of ETH they dump. Why? Take the example of TaaS they intend to BUY ETH in order to payout share holders with profits earned from their fund.
Which would make TaaS a security. I am not talking about one token, I am talking about the majority of tokens.
Well you made a sweeping generalization in regards to all projects. I'm wondering what you are basing this off? How did you arrive at your conclusion that a majority of projects are dumping ETH to keep the lights on? Seems more like a minority.
because I tend to read contract code before investing. I invested in almost 70% of these tokens and I know what they all do to keep the lights on. What do you think these projects do with the ETH they collect?