If your looking to get rich overnight, take a minute and just think about it, there is no coin that will make you rich, the top coins and most secure coins are already in the top 20 and they all have a market over 3 billion dollars, they will never get u a 10 or 20 time return on your investment in a short term, if you are thinking about putting $10 $100 or even $1000 they will all make you money this is guaranteed but they wont make you rich, all of the other coins that are at a small market cap are most of the time a gamble and they are the ones that will probably moon and make you rich if you have money in them giving you 100 even 1000 time your investment, but at this point there is to many and pinpointing witch one is going to be is going to be very hard, requires a lot of research and if you are happy with the project they are offering then invest in em and wait at least a year #bitcoin #ethereum #litecoin #bitcoincash #cardano #ripple #stellar #neo #monero #dash #nem #iota #tron #eos #icon #crypto #cryptocurrency #binance #poloniex #bittrex #hitbtc #cryptopia #huobi #kucoin #bitconnect #bitshares #steem