New HardFork Ethereum Classic For Effeciency

in #ethereum7 years ago

In an effort to ensure that the Ethereum Classic Blockchain Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining activities remain profitable, the core crypto currency development team has implemented the latest Fork on May 29, 2018. After this Fork, developers expect block regeneration time to be down from 26 seconds to 14 seconds. In addition, network mining difficulties are also expected to decrease further.

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Hardfork has been done at a block height of 5,900,000, and Ethereum Classic developers will change most of the ETC protocols. That is, the code has been updated so that miners must upgrade their Blockchain ETC. This update works to reduce mining difficulties and block rewards before switching to consensus algorithms. Anticipating this change, IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong), a developer of Ethereum Classic and Blockchain company, has released Mantis V1.1 upgrade in early May 2018. This action is implemented to ensure all miners have enough time to make the necessary changes


PoS System is not the Best Choice

The Ethereum community remains divided into the most popular types of protocols. While the PoW system has long been considered strong, Proof-of-Stake mechanism supporters (PoS) have an advantage over efficient energy use. But according to Anthony Lusardi, the developer and director of ETC Cooperative, Proof-of-Work should be more referenced to ensure decentralization. Lusardi states, "Proof-of-Work seems to be the most decentralized approach today to reach a consensus on what most societies feel." For information, he previously felt that future code updates were an attempt to gain greater relevance than his parent Blockchain.

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As time goes by, the PoS system has actually been studied and explored better, thus encouraging the ETC community to choose softfork before ETC is no longer desirable. But as good as any PoS procedure, it remains not as good as PoW's system in rejecting centralization, as mining depends on continuous changes in hardware infrastructure
