Options for live in Thailand and its cost in ETH basis.

in #eth5 years ago

Possibly you are entering winter season in your country if you are in northern part of hemisphere.

Maybe some of you have plan to live in another country if make big amount in crypto trading.

Thailand has never winter , never see snow in here.

Beautiful beaches, well know smiling faces and high positivity.

Many foreigners want to live in Thailand.

Have many options for this.

Lets look short list and see costs in ETH basis.

much better calculation for crypto community even it should be in still fiat ( baht )

1 - Retirement Visa :

Eligible for people over age 50.

You must have retirement pension from your country 65,000 bath ( 12 ETH ) every month with documents


you should keep 800,000 baht ( 145 ETH ) in a Thai bank 2 months before apply visa and 3 months more after having visa.

should keep half ( 72.5 ETH ) for all year in Thai bank after 2+3 months.

self reporting to nearest immigration every 90 days is a must.

Visa fee for 1 year is 5000 baht ( 0.9 ETH )

2 - Marriage Visa :

Eligible for foreigners already married with Thai wife.

you should keep 400,000 baht ( 72.5 ETH ) in a Thai bank 2 months prior to apply visa.

can use money in bank after get visa.

self reporting to nearest immigration every 90 days is a must.

Visa fee for 1 year is 5000 baht ( 0.9 ETH )

3 - Student visa.

Eligible for people who already registered long term course or school in Thailand.

Visa should get ( 3 months ) from a Thai embassy in other country and can extend to 1 year at immigration police offices in Thailand.

Visa fee for first 3 month is 2000 baht ( 0.35 ETH )

4 - Thailand Elite Plus

Eligible for people who gain big amount in trading crypto or other kind of wealth.

Not need marriage or age requirements or study.

No need keep money in Thai bank

allow foreigners stay in Thailand from 5 years or up to 20 years.

Visa fee paid in advance.

Fee is vary depends on choosen length of stay.

Fee is between 500,000 baht ( 91 ETH ) to 2.140,000 baht ( 389 ETH )

example, if you pay roughly 389 ETH in advance, you can stay in Kingdom up to 20 years.

please also note that you will need more for cost of living.

have some other options also but above are most known ones.

Do you have dream to make big money from cryptocurrency trading and move to another country ?

make your plan wisely.