Travel guide // School assignment

in #estonia4 years ago

Today I was thinking of talking about a school assignment that a printing and design teacher gave us.

If last time the teacher gave us the task to make a calendar with own creation, then this time we had to make a travel guide with certain elements.
The travel guide had to have a top page with a title and a final page with a map of Estonia showing the sights in the travel guide.

There must have been 10 sightseeing pages.
I took pastel blue as my main color and made a fairly simple but striking design.
As additional elements, I added small circles to the bottom of each page.

Here is my finished design that went into printing.



At the moment, the pictures have a design with cut marks and a cutting margin.

Next we went to a room with a large printer and printed out this work and had to fold the leaflet independently without the help of a teacher, it was not a problem for me.


Here is my ready-made travel guide brochure.


Personally, I am satisfied with my work and would be happy to make more such leaflets.

Thank you for reading.
Have a good day.


Müü see printer maha ja osta HIVE

Selle eest saab miljonite kaupa haivi

Mis hinde sa siis sellise projekti eest said?

Nice! I wish I'd be good at designing useful stuff like this. Looks straight out of a proffessional printing shop 👍

Thank you :)
I mean I have only studied this topic about a year, the great future is yet to come.
If I learn more about it and founding out more about printing, I would be motivated and maybe provide travel guides for companies.

looks cool. selline aine keskkoolis või õpid juba kuskil kõrgemal?

Trükk ja värviõpetus aine nimi, õpin Polütehnikumis multimeedia spetsialistiks teine kursus :P