Still reeling, Pryde, and relieved to have been spared. Sleep-deprived and slow, not sure what you mean "on carniovore". As I mentioned earlier, I eat meat... and vegetable, and fruits and nuts, etc... Probably, need to exercise more.
Hope you're well.
I mean just about only meat ... there are some folks that literally do only steak, salt, and water. I incorporate grass-fed liver and bone broth and other meats. And chocolate and coffee ... in wee bits. A girl has to live. LOL. I know it is not for everyone but if that Lyme disease keeps getting the best of you, it may help you some.
Oh, no, that doesn't sound like it's for me at all, thank you. I'm better off with white meat - chicken and trying to eat more fish. Bone broth sounds good (I remember you said yours was homemade). Coffee I miss, but I do green tea and rarely black... until I get back. Thanks, again, for (radical) diet tips, intrepid eater :)