The appear

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


The ruler when his tyranny will reach its peak mk little by little God will parse their LIES and TIPU POWER until it appears plain and clear the deception of power tsb.
They (the unbelievers) make deceit. God has thwarted the deception of mrk. and Allah is as good as a deceiver. QS. 8; 30.

The case of the scattering of E-KTP is a clear proof of the tyranny of the current ruling power. Mrk attempted to rule second time with a variety of ways mrk do.
mrk tdk learn pd election governor of DKI past where with all efforts mrk do with unlimited financial power alias unlimited yet TUMBANG jg so lord mrk ahok laknatullah 'alaihi defeated and jd convicted. They cebongers do not know bhw above the sky there is sky. ah ... indeed mrk dont know krn mrk is NOT TAKE aka ko .....

Alhamdulillah in this Ramadhan bln Allah show clearly injustice tipu2 mrk. Later a few days to dpn will be more revealed lies2 mrk by utilizing the power that mrk have today.
the more mrk berkilah bin ngeles mk the more visible looks what mrk hide dr us all. Poor the DIRJEN mey2 want MENCRET-MENCRET told to appear to the public to explain the engineering mrk smelling lies so that the public will believe bualan mrk. Kira2 the DIRJEN fast not ya ...? if fasting mk really pity pas Lebaran he just mendpt thirst and hungry.

It is hard jd servants of the country in the middle2 ruler who only imitate imaging doank and like trickery. Happy when the servant of the country who still istiqomah and consistent with the mandate that diembannya.
hopefully the servants of the state who still istiqomah Allah give the power of mental birth so that it can be same with us to GROW this dzalim ruler as soon as possible without waiting until 2019.
Ask God to withdraw his power as soon as possible. If bs with orang2nya all.

so that this Lebaran we can have a new president that is MARBOT MASJID he who became Chairman of the Board of the Mosque to wait for the election in the title.

Wallahu A'lam.

By; * Moh Naufal Dunggio *