The Benefit of Writing and Public Speaking Skill

in #esteem6 years ago



Mosque youth who should be a benchmark of quality teenagers. They must be the lights for other teenagers in the midst of the inevitable challenges of the times. The rapid development of time makes teenagers falter and lose their identity. They tend to choose roads that offer mere pleasure. In fact, the journey of their lives is very influential how they go through these difficult times.

Unfortunately, the propagation of propaganda propaganda by teenage mosque is limited in mosque environment only. They can take a bigger role in getting other teenagers to fear God. This is very important to do considering the inner turmoil unstable, while the black world is wide open for them. Modern teen challenges include online-based games, drug use, and massive social media influences.

To propagate teens mosque mosque wider, the development of da'wah management can be done through the world of writing and preaching through the speech polite language. Teens should invite other teenagers to goodness. This is congested with the teachings of Islam that encourage people to remind each other. Writing world and the ability of adolescent mosque speak, when combined with technology would be a step of dakwah effective, efficient, and reach all corners of the country.


In this modern age, the need for the science of writing and speaking is increasingly important. For teenage mosques, these two skil will greatly assist them in spreading the da'wah of Islam. I understand that youth activities of mosques are not only on strengthening religious scholars - for example tahsin - but covering a larger area. The teenage mosque is a collection of people who should be the motor of other youth to "familiar" with the mosque.

However, the efforts of adolescent mosque preaching will be very difficult by simply relying on programs "spread the good" without promoting it. Promotion here is not meaningful, but invites other youth to participate in it. Teens of mosques can expose activities and preach by writing.

Useful articles can be distributed throughout the country. The cost is very cheap and the speed is incredible. Writing-writing can be done by utilizing blogs, facebook, and steemit that is now increasingly loved by all circles.

The youth of the mosque can utilize a community that focuses on training its members to be able to write, such as Aceh Writing Forum. This one forum has made great strides when other institutions in Aceh are unable to do so. Youth mosques can join into such communities to practice their writing skills.

We can reflect on the early Acehnese ulama who wrote the books used up to now. The beneficial science they are spreading is part of the da'wah that will never break up the reward (alms finger).

Da'wah is not only useful for Muslims, but also bring benefits for him in the grave. We no longer preach conventionally because the demands of da'wah are different now. While sitting relaxed we can invite people to piety. The scope of da'wah using social media (writing) is not insulated by distance and time.

In youth can access all information with smartphone, tablet, and laptop. Giving access to good information is the same as fortifying the impact of negative information scattered on social media.

However, what would happen preaching through writing if the text is misunderstood the reader. This is the reason why writing skills are important. Writing is different from talking. The readers can not directly confirm directly if they are not able to understand the writing. In fact, worse yet, if the information submitted is misunderstood by the reader. Possibly, positive ideas turn into doom or boomerang.

Through writing training, juvenile mosques can train themselves to be critical and objective in responding to information. The proof, a lot of hoaxes in social media is swallowed raw by readers. Ultimately provoked slander and insults endlessly. People who think critically will certainly check and recheck (tabayyun) information that is not clear source.

When preaching with writing, we certainly need to pay attention to da'wah management. The purpose of propagation is meaningful to invite. We are required to invite others if we want them to follow our invitation. The discussion we use must be soft and not impressed. Dakwah management like this can be the basis of how we should use the language in writing.


Similar to writing, in speaking we are also required to understand the management of da'wah. The difference with writing skill, pendengan can directly confirm information from the speaker. We have also seen various evidences that the error of speaking has a big effect. We do not want the mosque teenagers to experience a similar incident as experienced Sukmawati Soekarnoputri. Sukmawati paid no attention to the impact he would generate from the poems he read.

In addition, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has a mistake in his speech so he was thrown into prison. There are all sorts of things to keep in mind that youth mosque, that is speaking techniques.

Spreading da'wah through word spoken no less powerful with preaching through writing. We can combine da'wah with technology as practiced by Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS). He has managed to attract the attention of Muslims throughout Indonesia. He utilizes social media in addition to he mastered language and techniques speak well.

We can not assume trivial skil of writing and speaking. The preachers who spread Islam are the writers and speakers reliably in public. With such examples, we should be able to inflame the spirit of writing and speaking well. Hopefully teenage mosques hear thoughts on this.