In the meeting of Al-Quds Amanati, the workers for Palestine International invite special guests, the two special figures to represent the two countries that defend Baitul Maqdis (Palestine). That ustad Bachtiar Nasir representing the people of Indonesia and Dr. Nuruddin Nabati, a member of the Turkish parliament.
The meeting was attended by hundreds of Indonesian commissions, to give a token of appreciation for the defense efforts against Palestine in two countries. Especially for the people of Indonesia, an international meeting under the direct supervision of these Al-Quds Scholars presented one of the original dome sheets of the Ash-Shakrah mosque.
After side by side in the forum with Dr. Nuruddin Nabati, member of the Turkish Parliament of Al-Quds defenders, Ustad Bachtiar Nasir was specifically invited to meet President Erdogan who was in Istanbul at the time. To represent all Indonesian Muslims, the meeting was also attended by Ustad Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, KH. Ahmad Shabri Lubis, Ustad Jeje Zainuddin and ustad Ridwan Yahya.
One great hope of this international gathering of Baitul Maqdis activists in Istanbul is that the Indonesian people are at the forefront of defending Al-Quds. An Arab figure who attended said after hearing the Qur'an reading by an Indonesian boy named Umar Al-Faruq.
The meeting was attended by hundreds of Indonesian commissions, to give a token of appreciation for the defense efforts against Palestine in two countries. Especially for the people of Indonesia, an international meeting under the direct supervision of these Al-Quds Scholars presented one of the original dome sheets of the Ash-Shakrah mosque.
Indonesia menerima penghargaan karena membela Palestina Dalam pertemuan Al-Quds Amanati, para perkerja untuk Palestina Internasional mengundang tamu istimewa, dua tokoh tersebut khusus untuk mewakili dua negara yang membela Baitul Maqdis (Palestina).Yaitu ustad Bachtiar Nasir mewakili rakyat Indonesia dan Dr. Nuruddin Nabati, anggota parlemen Turki.
Pertemuan tersebut dihadiri ratusan komisi Indonesia ini, untuk memberikan tanda penghargaan atas usaha-usaha pembelaan terhadap Palestina di dua negara. Terkhusus untuk rakyat Indonesia, pertemuan Internasional yang diberada dibawah pengawasan langsung para Ulama Al-Quds ini menghadiahkan salah satu lembaran asli kubah masjid Ash-Shakrah.

One great hope of this international gathering of Baitul Maqdis activists in Istanbul is that the Indonesian people are at the forefront of defending Al-Quds. An Arab figure who attended said after hearing the Qur'an reading by an Indonesian boy named Umar Al-Faruq.
Setelah berdampingan di forum bersama Dr. Nuruddin Nabati, anggota Parlemen Turki pembela Al-Quds, Ustad Bachtiar Nasir secara khusus diundang untuk bertemu Presiden Erdogan yang berada di Istanbul pada saat itu. Untuk mewakili semua Muslim Indonesia, pertemuan ini juga dihadiri oleh Ustad Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, KH. Ahmad Shabri Lubis, Ustad Jeje Zainuddin dan ustad Ridwan Yahya.Satu harapan besar dari pertemuan internasional para aktivis Baitul Maqdis di Istanbul adalah bahwa rakyat Indonesia berada di garis terdepan dalam membela Al-Quds. Seorang tokoh Arab yang hadir mengatakan setelah mendengar pembacaan Al Qur'an oleh seorang bocah Indonesia bernama Umar Al-Faruq
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