When we see and imagine this watermelon fruit, maybe we will feel free from the thirst we experience, because of the many water content contained in this watermelon fruit.
But this watermelon fruit has many benefits and efficacy. Watermelon efficacy as a balance of body fluids, keep blood pressure normal, maintain kidney health, increase liver urea, maintain heart work, maintain healthy nails and skin, and maintain eye health.
As for the benefits of this fruit you can see in the image that I have edited below.
Consumption tips;
This watermelon fruit is suitable consumed during the day, especially during hot weather. The many water content of this fruit will give the impression refreshing. This fruit can also be consumed directly or made juice. avoid heating treatment to keep the composition on the watermelon..
Watermelon fruit also has other content such as, Citrine, Arginine, Kukubositrin, Licopen and Enzyme urease.
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