The immortal words of Bangabandhu

in #esteem7 years ago

Every speech of Bangabandhu still inspires.

The words of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are so immortal words The words of the great leader of various countries, including the country's democracy, freedom of press, non-communalism, political compromise and tolerance, and corruption have been pronounced in the recent past. Here are some of his immortal, black-haired pronouncements here.

On the question of freedom of democracy, opposition parties, baks and newspapers

There is court-kachari in the country, there is a conventional law, and to punish someone, it should be done through appropriate judgment. We know that for the past seven years, many members of this sacred parliament were taken to jail without trial. A respected member went to East Bengal, he was arrested under public safety law for the sake of Pakistan.

21 January 1956

Discussing the Equality rights of all citizens of the Islamic State in the Pakistan Constituent Assembly in Karachi
Our telephone is tapped and the letters are again censored. You have said that freedom of speech means freedom of the press. Do you know that in East Bengal the editors are called, you can not print it; You can not print that. Sir, they can not write till the truth and I can prove it. It is not a big thing to write a clerk and write a clerk in East Bengal Government. The instruction goes from the secretariat that you can not write about the issues. An inspector from the government directs you that you can not write a specific topic.

3 February 1956

Participation in the discussion on the issue of freedom of the press and the freedom of the press in Karachi session of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan


In the ruling, I wrote that in any day, the exploiters will not be able to absorb the people of Bengal Insha Allah Secondly, I believe in democracy. People's representatives will run the country, no one should have any hand in it. Third, I am a Bengali. I want to live as a Bengali nation with honor. Fourth, my state will be secular. That is not religion. The Muslim will perform his religion, the Hindu will perform his religion, the Buddhist will perform his religion. Nobody can stop anyone. But one thing is that in the name of this religion no business can be done.

26 February 1973

A public meeting in Sirajganj
He heard his immortal poetry

Opposition to discrimination, struggle for independence

You are 85 people in the service of the central government, we have 15 people. You have 90 people in the military department, we gave 10 people. You spent 80 percent of the foreign aid, gave us 20 percent. One million people in South Bengal died due to the epicenter Millions of people are helpless. Helicopters from abroad came to work for relief work - but no helicopter came from West Pakistan except for a military helicopter in Dhaka. We will end this injustice.

3 January 1971

National and provincial councils in the Racecourse grounds sworn in before the people of newly elected Awami League

We do not have any kind of anger against anyone. We want autonomy. We want Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluch, readers to live with their rights as we do. But that does not mean that seven crore Bengali people will be slaves. Brotherhood is not meant to be slavery - in the name of solidarity, solidarity, Bengal will not be used as a colony or market.

February 20, 1971

Before the launch of the torch rally from the Shaheed Minar

Remember, when I gave blood, I'll give more blood. Release the people of this country, Insha Allah This struggle is our struggle for freedom, this struggle is the struggle of independence. Joy Bangla.

Seven March 1971

Speech delivered at the Racecourse field
He used to say in his speech the speech.

Political compromise and tolerance

Awami League is not only the majority party in Bangladesh but also in the whole of Pakistan, the absolute majority of the Awami League. Therefore, my party and my party have a great responsibility for the whole nation. I want to emphasize that Awami League has the full capacity to form the country's constitution as a majority party. Nevertheless, I would also like to discuss with Mr. Bhutto and his party regional parties and related leaders of Baloch and the border region.

January 29, 1971, the statement made to journalists at the residence

Although the Awami League has the capability to form a constitution as the majority party of the country, we all want cooperation and friendship. Everyone has accepted the will of the democratic country's majority. According to the style of democracy, we have the power to create the constitution. We do not impose regimes.

February 15, 1971

Statement of the National and Provincial Councils in a joint session of two days at the Institution of Engineers of Dhaka

Self criticism

The need of selfless staff is needed to govern the country. Do not walk in the air. The students came to meet me on that day. I told them to self-criticize. Remember, if you can not do self criticism then you can not recognize yourself. Then self-control and self-correcting. Only then can the country prosper.

18 January 1974

Inaugural speech of Awami League bilateral council

Today, we need self-criticism of the new and old systems that are going on in our country. Self-correcting can not be done without self-criticism. We made mistakes, we have to say that we made the mistake. If I do not learn wrongly, I will not learn by mistake, so I can make mistakes and everyone will do bad things, it can not be. I'm wrong, I'm not an angel, not even Satan, I'm the man, I'm wrong. If I make a mistake, I have to remember, I Can Recycle Myself. If I can recover, my bravery is there. And if I'm stunned that I did what I did, that's good. That can not be human being.

19 June 1975

Speech given at the meeting of the BAKSAL Central Committee.

Against corruption and irregularities

Still few people, even after having so much blood, the resources that I beg for, send me with the poor of Bengal, steal some part from them and eat it. I am awake to imagine how big their tongue is. Nothing can be done if this thief is not annihilated on Bengal soil. The thieves will eat whatever I'll bring. This thief will have to finish the Bengal land.

3 January 1973

A speech given in a public meeting in Bogra.

Confidence and respect for women

In my life, I have seen that even though I went ahead in front of the bullets, my wife did not interrupt me any day. I have also seen that many times I have been jailed for 10/11 years of my life. Never open my mouth in life and did not protest against me. Then I feel that there are many obstacles in life. At the same time I have seen that when I went to jail, I could not afford to bring one penny to my children. His contribution is enough in my struggle. Men's name is written in history. The woman's name is not written in more history. That's why I have said something personal to you today. So that men are my brothers, whenever they are leaders or are the leaders of the country, they should remember that women have enough donations and they have to give their place.

March 26, 1972

Speech to women's sports organization in Azimpur Girls' School, Dhaka

BCL and students

Students, students studied. I do not feel ashamed of you, but sometimes I am shy when I hear the fake. Degree will not be profitable. People can not be taken with degrees. Degree can deceive your soul. To be a human, you have to study. I get the news that parents and fathers bring forward the fake boys and girls. How big a race Hey How many nations have fallen.

18 March 1973

After the first general election of Bangladesh, the speech in the public meeting in Suhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka

There is no road on the road, railway bridge can not be filled till now. The character has become so damn bad that the pocketmayer, the thief and the thugs, the shame of the death of the BCL's son, brothers and sisters. Where is the Cobo Mia to stop copying the police? Sorry! Mia is the place to say? You stop copying. Chhatra League student union made the Naya Sangram Parishad, you stop the fake by the guard. I'll help you. Do not let the police stop our counterfeit. I'll deal with the thieves by the police.

19 August 1973

Addressed at the National Conference of Bangladesh Chhatra League in Dhaka

I would like to see that BCL boys get more firstclass. I would like to see, the students of BCL do the same thing, fake, pass the test and pass the protest against it.

17 February 1974

Speaking at BCL's reunion ceremony in Dhaka

To the government employees

'I request all the government employees to serve them, in the sense of which our family lives. For those whose sense of which we are going on today, do not trouble them, keep an eye on them. Those who do wrong, you must suppress them with a stern hand. But be careful not to torture a innocent person. It will shake up to the throne of Allah. You look at that direction. If you persecute me, then I will have to answer him to Allah. Because, I am the father of your nation, I am your Prime Minister, I am your leader. I also have the responsibility there. '

January 15, 1975

Speech at the first police week and anniversary parade.