Nowadays, more and more people who know about the utilization of olive oil, one of them as a natural facial moisturizer.
In fact, the utilization of natural ingredients olive oil for facial care and skin is already done since the days of ancient Rome.
Olive oil is the oil obtained from the olive tree grinding results. The famous olive oil from the Mediterranean region.
In olive oil is rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, phenolic resins, fats (especially omega 9, omega 6, omega 3 and saturated fat).
Olive oil has been used for many things such as food, medicines, SOAP, cosmetics, etc.
The benefits of olive oil for the face and the skin :
1. Moisturizes skin face
Extra virgin olive oil is beneficial for the skin on your face, which provides moisture and skin protection, as well as keep the skin remains smooth.
Antioxidants olive oil (vitamin A and E) works to repair skin damage due to sun exposure, pollutants and cigarette smoke.
If you want to get a natural and healthy moist skin, then diligently-diligently make use of olive oil as a natural moisturizer. The antioxidant content of his very important help face skin be healthy and moisturized.
You can apply olive oil on the face while massaged lightly for 10 minutes, then rinse face with clean water.
2. as an Exfoliator and clean the dead skin cells on the face
A mixture of extra virgin olive oil and salt can be a powerful natural exfoliant for face, especially for those who have experienced the problem of dry skin and flaky.
Massage this mixture to areas of the face that is experiencing the problem of dry skin. This natural blend work to clean the dead skin cells. Which is then beneficial to make skin look younger and beautiful.
The people of ancient Egypt and the Roman utilizing olive oil as a natural beauty. A famous historical figure to use olive oil for beauty was Cleopatra.
The following the steps :
- Wash your face with a warm cloth to hydrate her.
- prepare the olive oil (extra virgin olive oil is recommended) and then apply it to the face slowly.
- then apply the sugar into the hands gently.
- then apply sugar to cheek slowly, while rubbing gently to all parts of the face for 30 seconds. Be careful not to on the part of the eye.
- Then rinse the face with warm water to clean your face.
- Face still oily, then clean your face gently with a wet cloth to wear its raised. Do it slowly.
- Do these treatments every week so that healthy skin and soft without dead skin cells.
Things to know :
- Do not use too much sugar, of course only.
- Before You do this treatment, then prepare all the materials needed. This is so you don't hassle searching for sugar when stained face olive oil.
- Should be rubbing slowly. It is feared if rubbing too hard cause the emergence of problems burns and stains red.
- Don't use a light colored towel or new. The oil will leave a stain. Should use old towels.
- After doing this treatment will indeed lead to reddened skin for a while, but will be back to normal and the skin becomes soft after a few minutes.
- However, this treatment is not recommended for those who have very white skin because it can lead to skin flushed in quite a long time.
- You can use Witch Hazel as a toner naturally after this treatment.
3. Maintain the elasticity of the skin
Loss of skin elasticity is the natural sign of aging conditions, in addition to a number of causes which accelerate the skin loses its elasticity, namely skin often exposed to UV radiation, lack of drinking water, often stressful, and often consume food that is too sweet.
Olive oil when massaged gently onto your face, provides benefits to help improve the elasticity of the skin of the face.
You don't have to limit themselves to the use of external. Stir in the olive oil into your food. So your body will have a great nutritional benefits.
You can FRY food using olive oil. Remember, the extra virgin olive oil has the highest nutritional value because of experiencing fewer processing.
As notice, products a suitable body lotion for women who live in the tropics is a soft body lotion and is easily permeated and contain olive oil. Products such as these can prevent dryness, soften, and protect the skin from ultra violet rays.
In addition, it is important that things awake is the elasticity of the skin to avoid too long in the Sun, drink lots of water, and don't be too often a warm bath.
4. Clean Makeup
Give it a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to the top, then use cotton pads to remove your eye makeup at the end of the day.
Slowly lift your eye makeup with no stretch and without pulling the delicate skin around your eyes. Do with it slowly and carefully.
When you use it for that, olive oil works to soften the skin. Users are very helpful in removing the makeup on the face to clean completely.
Olive oil can also be used as a cleanser for makeup. Some people argued that the use of olive oil on oily skin will be bad for the skin, it is less precise.
5. Improve health of facial skin
Of course we want a healthy and beautiful skin. Olive oil contains vitamin E which can be useful for maintaining healthy skin, treat inflammation, eliminate acne, and protect the skin from the risk of dangerous diseases such as psoriasis and skin cancer.
You can combine olive oil with honey and yogurt in natural treatments for the face. Honey acts as a humectant, as for the yogurt worked as a gentle exfoliant, thus improving skin health.
The ingredients you need to prepare :
- 2 tsp olive oil
- 1/3 cup yogurt
- ¼ cup honey
The steps :
- In a container, mix a third of these natural ingredients evenly, until it becomes like a thick solution.
- then apply the mixture on your face, then let sit for 20 minutes.
- After that, then rinse the face back to clean using lukewarm water.
You can do this treatment once a week.
6. As anti-aging
As we get older then the skin will experience aging, where the skin begins to SAG and experiencing wrinkles. You can prevent the emergence of signs of premature aging that is too fast by utilizing the natural ingredients of olive oil.
Materials need to be prepared :
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp lemon juice (without any mix)
- A pinch of salt
The steps :
- take the olive oil and then massage your face with a few drops of olive oil.
- Make sure the remaining olive oil.
- then combine the rest of the olive oil with a little salt.
- then mix well with lemon juice to give freshness.
- then apply a mixture of these natural ingredients to a third part on the face, especially for those who have dry skin face, rough, and scaly.
7. As a lip Scrub
Conditions the lips are also very good appearance determine one's lip care, so it is quite important.
Well, did you know that olive oil can make your lips supple and look beautiful?
Okay just go ahead, prepare the ingredients in the form of :
- A few drops of olive oil
- Brown sugar that has been destroyed
- A little bit of lemon juice
Olive oil helps soften chapped lips. As for the sugar and lemon peel and work to clean the dead skin cells.
The steps :
In a container, mix the ingredients until the third.
Then apply the mixture on your lips for five minutes (recommended to do before going to bed so that the mixture is left to infuse for overnight).
8. Smooth Heel
It's not yangg difficult to smooth back Your heels are cracked or rough. Try olive oil to solve this problem.
You can also easily tighten the heel, prepare natural materials in the form of olive oil and lime juice to taste.
You can use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil to be smeared on the heel gently, its benefits will add moisture and smoothness.
9. Remove Stretch marks
The occurrence of stretch marks is characterized by the onset of the stripes is generally colorless, it looks also like a scar.
There are many products rated cream has benefits for fades stretch marks, but the price is quite expensive.
When you've tired of spent a lot of money to buy stretch mark cream turned out to provide no benefit expectations, then you can use natural ingredients such as olive oil, which centuries are known to provide benefits great for the skin of the body.
The content inside the olive oil works to stimulate the blood circulation in the skin, increase skin elasticity, and reduce stretch marks.
The article mentions some of the most effective ways to use olive oil to get rid of stretch marks that are stubborn. The following explanation is below :
Method 1: direct application
- before you sleep, heat 2 tbsp olive oil about 30 seconds.
- then apply and massage the olive oil into the stretch marks (when olive oil is not too hot).
- then leave it in these conditions as long as overnight.
You can do this treatment every day to be a stubborn fades stretch marks.
Method 2: olive oil Blended apple cider vinegar
- In a container, mix 2 tbsp of olive oil with 1 tsp of Apple Cider vinegar.
- then apply the mixture on the skin that is problematic.
- then the massage for a few minutes.
- After that let in such conditions for 30 minutes.
- Rinse again with clean water.
Do natural treatments as much as 2-3 times in a week.
Way 3: olive oil and Aloe Vera
- Provide the 2 tablespoons olive oil and 2 tsp Aloe Vera gel.
- then combine these two ingredients until evenly in a bowl.
- Apply to the parts of the skin that are having stretch marks, while kneading for 5 minutes.
- Let sit in such conditions for 30 minutes.
- Then rinse the one with warm water.
Repeat this natural treatment every day to obtain maximum results.
Way 4: olive oil Blended brown sugar and Lemon juice
- prepare 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tsp brown sugar, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
- combine natural ingredients until evenly distributed.
- then apply at the stretch marks.
- After that massage gently over the 5-10 minutes.
- Let stand in such conditions for 30 minutes.
- then he clears the back using a rag soaked in warm water.
Do this every day natural treatments to get rid of stretch marks until it has been completed.
10. The antioxidant Protection
If applied to the skin of the body, olive oil contains antioxidants important form of vitamin E, phytosterols and polyphenols that are able to protect the skin from a variety of skin problems, such as premature aging to preventing skin cancer.
Vitamin E in olive oil helps to prevent premature aging, and smoothes the skin and protect the skin from exposure to UV rays.
In addition, olive oil contains rare compounds called Hydroxytyrosol is beneficial to prevent skin damage by free radicals.
11. For beauty Skin face and Overcome dry skin
Not only useful for body health, olive oil is also beneficial in the treatment of skin beauty.
In olive oil contained ingredients natural antioxidants such as phytosterols, polyphenols and vitamin E so as to address the problem of dry skin
The article mentions several ways utilizing olive oil to give efficacy to beauty skin and tackle the problem of dry skin, here below.
Olive oil and honey
Not only moisturizes the skin, the combination of these two natural ingredients can make facial skin is more radiant. You just need to mix one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey in a container.
After well blended, then apply on face, let stand for 10 minutes. Then then rinse face with warm water. Do as much as 2-3 times in a week.
Olive oil and Avocado
Mix avocado and olive oil can be a good source of natural moisture for the face. First mash one avocado fruit, then combine with the two TSP of olive oil in a container.
After well blended, then apply on face and let sit for 10 minutes. After that then rinse face with warm water. Repeat this treatment at least every week.
Olive oil and egg white
Treatment with a combination of olive oil and egg white, perfect for those of you who want the skin moist all at once look toned.
In a container, mix one TSP of olive oil and egg whites. After well blended, apply on face then let sit for 10 minutes.
Then clean the back of the face using a facial cleanser and warm water. Do these natural treatments once a week.
Olive oil and bananas
The combination of olive oil and banana can give extra vitamin B6 to your skin. First of all prepare a teaspoon of olive oil.
Then mash one banana fruit. Combine both of these natural ingredients in a container until evenly distributed.
Use this mixture as a mask, then let sit for 20 minutes. After that wash face using warm water. Do this treatment once a week.
12. Shrink skin pores Naturally
These materials need to be prepared :
- 1/2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp lemon juice water
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp sugar
The steps :
- In a bowl, combine four natural ingredients until evenly distributed.
- then apply to the skin of the face, while a soft dipjat with circular motion.
- When you are finished applying, let stand in such conditions for 15-20 minutes.
- Then rinse the face to clean again.
- After it's dry skin face, then apply a Moisturiser.
It is recommended you do this natural treatment two times a week to shrink skin pores.
Mix olive oil, baking soda, lemon juice and sugar can be a herb that can effectively benefit the facial skin, shrink the pores of the skin, and remove dead skin cells at once.
The content inside the baking soda work for lifting dead skin cells and lightens the skin. Water juice of lemons contain acids that help brighten the skin.
The use of sugar is beneficial to helping the process of appointment of the dead skin cells, as well as olive oil cures for the damming of the skin.
13. Other benefits
The natural ingredients of olive oil is already used for many purposes, such as food, medicines, komestik, SOAP, to fuel for lamps.
In addition to the consumption of food, olive oil can be applied topically to the lips as a softener and fix cracked lips.
The use of olive oil can to soften the skin, as well as addressing the problem of dry skin and cracked (eg on the elbow and heel).
When you run out of makeup cleanser, then you can try an alternative to olive oil in this vain Weeps make up on face until completely. Already strewn with various products cleansing oil (oil cleaner) to wash your face, where many products cleansing oil using olive oil.
Olive oil you can use masks or facial. Do I just slathered with extra virgin olive oil (pure) to the face.
Another method is mixing one TSP of olive oil, two TSP of Apple Cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey. Then apply the mixture on your face, and let stand for 15 minutes. LAU rinse face with warm water.
For Body Skin
The results of one study mentioned that olive oil may help protect the body from disease risk of skin cancer.
Olive oil is similar to the natural oils produced by the body's skin, which is easily absorbed into the skin well. The use of olive oil on the skin generally does not cause allergies, but should never apply olive oil on the acne.
Some of the specialty olive oil contains antioxidant compounds, i.e. acts as an anti-inflammatory, and makes the skin becomes smoother and more radiant.
Consume olive oil is also beneficial to "disarm" free radicals in the body, reduces inflammation, minimize the appearance of wrinkles, and keep the skin's firmness.
Some of the claims about the other benefits of olive oil for face and body skin, namely :
Treating Eczema (red and itchy skin)
- Psoriasis
- Yeast infection
- Ringworm
- Panu
- The mushrooms in a folding body
Side Effects Of Olive Oil
If you have sensitive skin, so need to do an allergy test before applying olive oil to your skin (especially the face). How, DAB a little olive oil on Your lower arm. Then observe, whether there is a specific reaction in the 24-48 hours?
Some sources say that the use of olive oil should be wisely (don't overdo it). Olive oil is rated a little hard so absorbed by the skin, potentially trapping dirt and dead skin in the pores of the skin of the body, this condition can cause the onset of blackheads.
Source : https://kesehatantubuh-tips.blogspot.com/2018/02/manfaat-minyak-zaitun-untuk-wajah.html?m=1