Generally the water of the rice will be discarded (not utilized). Whereas in water the rice contained oryzanol which can be used for skin care, such as addressing the problem of skin damage due to exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet).
This rice water can You make to overcome the problem of skin, hair, face, and even nutritious to health.
The rice is already very common made materials to make rice, rice water has a lot of content such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Besides rice contain sugar, which makes the water of rice that has been cooked there is a carbohydrate content (often called the water with starch).
Benefits Of Rice Water :
1. Fades acne scars
You can use this rice water to get rid of acne scars. In fact not only can fades acne appears on the face, but can also eliminate black spots are slowly.
Although this rice water utilization to eliminate black spots or acne scars will take time to process. But the results will be good enough and also no side effects caused, so not to worry.
How it is used :
- First of all provide water washing rice that has been clean, meaning it was water washing rice (rice before finally boiled rice to be cooked rice).
- then You silence the laundry water right that within a few hours, until the flour piling up at the bottom.
- then you can simply separate the water from the rice flour.
- Take her flour is still wet.
- And then You apply the rice flour evenly on the face, especially make sure on the face that there are spots or acne scars.
Well, you need to do this every week, if it can be done twice in a week, until acne scars or black stains on the face can fade and disappear completely.
Rather than coming to a dermatologist or such, then try the first form of this natural treatments to get rid of acne or black flecks.
2. As a skin Toner
You can make use of water washing the rice as a toner for your skin. Do I simply by soaking cotton in the former water washing the rice, which was then the cotton used to wipe your skin.
The benefit of doing this is to to remove the grime-dirt embedded in the skin of the face. Do this treatment regularly so that your skin can be softer and look always fresh.
3. the Whiten face skin
When our facial skin seems less clear, then try the natural way, do not hurry to always use products that contain the chemical. Rice water can be beneficial to the health and beauty of your face.
In the rice contained a substance which works as a natural skin whitener. And users with no side effects, in contrast to body lotion products whose price is quite expensive and can give side effects if it does not fit in with the skin.
For its utilization is very easy, you can just wash the rice with water in a container. Then strain the rice and wash again with water. And so on up to a few times until the water obtained completely clean.
On the water washing rice, who later will You benefit from the water, store it in a bottle, then let sit overnight, it is that all rice flour settles at the bottom.
Well, later use the deposition as a scrub for the face. When you are finished applying the rice water deposits on the face, then let stand a few minutes.
Then rinse the face this time with rice water use. After that as a finishing, then clean the face with using clean water.
In order to whiten face skin, then do this perwatan twice in a week. The benefits to be gained, namely facial skin can be more clear, smooth and soft.
It is felt when you wash the rice, where hand later felt smoother. Well, even though rice is often considered water waste, but its benefits for the skin of the face is pretty significant. You also don't have to pay a fee to do this treatment.
4. Avoid the problem of excess oil on the surface of the skin of the face
The appearance of acne is also often due to excess oil which is "gathering" in the skin of the face. To overcome this problem, you can use this rice water, in order to later prevent acne, and also be able to help remove the stain black acne scars.
As for the way you live set aside rice water that is already clean (washing).
Before committing to treatment using rice water, you need to wash your face first using SOAP facial cleanser.
After that, wash your face using rice water.
By doing this is helpful so that excess oil on the face can be reduced. It also gradually be made brighter, and the face of your escape from acne problems.
Do this treatment at least twice a week.
5. Shrink skin pores Face
The problem of the pores on the skin of the face is facial oily easily and lead to berkomedo, also the skin pores are enlarged can cause the skin to become more abusive.
You just need to dip a cotton ball into the water of the rice, and then apply it on the face while giving a gentle massage. Doing this could help tighten the pores of the skin of the face.
6. As a facial mask
Well, this former Water washing rice can also you use as a facial mask, which will provide huge benefits for the skin of the face.
Take ' paper napkin ' then cut in some parts so that it is shaped like a facial mask.
After that pour the rice water in a container (such as a mixing bowl), then soak the mask of paper in it.
It will probably take time for 15 minutes to be ready to use facial masks, you live waiting because not too long ago.
Then You lift and pat dry a little so that the water is not too wet (could be squeezed by the way).
Then paste slowly the natural mask to your face. After paste then let sit for 15 minutes.
You will taste the freshness in the face after this treatment, while there are also other benefits to be gained.
7. Prevent and reduce the appearance of Wrinkles
Wrinkles on the face of the public complained of by those in adulthood, where premature wrinkles appeared by itself, which can make many people feel confident.
The legend about the efficacy of the rice water to rejuvenate the skin often referred to people, so that you are worth to try it. For its use, it can be a simple way i.e. cotton dipped into the water of the rice, and then affixed to the skin of the face.
8. Soften the skin of the face and body in General
Many of the women in Asia have proven that the water of the rice was able to make the facial skin is softer, brighter and healthy. On rice water used there is vitamin E are beneficial for the skin, making the skin more bright and white.
9. Prevent hair loss
Easy hair loss is a problem that is very disturbing for some people, who likes to lose confidence, as well as due to the thinner hair.
Easy hair loss issues due to the dryness of the scalp so that the power of the weakened hair roots.
By utilizing this rice water which is applied directly on the scalp, then it could be useful to strengthen the hair root, in order to prevent or reduce hair loss problem.
10. Troubleshooting for dry and damaged hair
The mineral content and the other on rice water provide important benefits to address the problem of dry and damaged hair.
Hair damage can occur due to the use of hair care products that contained the content of chemical substances is less good for your hair, or chemical substances that do not fit with your hair.
By utilizing this rice water that is super cheap, providing usability to optimize the process of regeneration of damaged hair, as well as maintain the hair's moisture to stay healthy.
11. Has the function of Antioxidant that is important for the body
The content in the water of the rice has a function as an antioxidant, in order to protect the body from free radicals and pollution due to direct exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet).
Antioxidant function is very important to keep the body in resisting the attacks of harmful substances. Free radicals is a super substance harmful to the body, which could even lead to the risk of cancer.
Free radicals attack the various molecules in the body, such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids as the main target. The impact could lead to the occurrence of the damage to the cells, proteins, and DNA, and damage to the balance in the body.
The attack of free radicals aside from the result of the body affected by exposure to direct sunlight for a long time, it could also be due to air pollution, cigarette smoke, smoke, chemicals industry, up to of food and drink consumed.
Antioxidants prevent free radical function, by preventing cell damage by free radicals. With the presence of antioxidants then the number of free radicals in the body remains well controlled.
12. Women japan share a secret with Water Washing Rice
In Japan, rice called the wash water with togijiru. Togijiru water has many uses for people, even Japan is also used for plants in the garden.
One of the popular uses rice water for the people of Japan was for skin care. Japan people often wear water rice as an ingredient of cosmetics and natural skin care.
By washing the face using water rice, provides benefits to brighten the face skin, lifting dead skin cells so that the face is smoother, and make the face more damp because water rice could serve as a natural moisturizer.
In addition to wash their faces, people Japan also often use it to soak. The aim is to revitalize the process so that the skin becomes clean, healthy and beautiful. Where in the water of the rice contained in vitamin B1, B2 and a variety of other nutrients.
Japan people love this rice water so that the skin can be beautiful naturally, well preserved, as well as make the face more fresh and smooth.
13. The water Body for the health of Tajin
As for the water is water that is starch obtained from the stew of rice, whose color is white like milk, can be drunk, and had quite a lot of nutrients. Bahlan many parents are attributing to his son in tajin even babies.
Water tajin can be made from Brown rice or white rice. Tajin made from water boiled rice that is already half done.
Where water needs to be taken immediately when starch rice is already half done (to become a rice) at first stew. In the past, making the water when cooking rice starch done conventionally (wearing a stove).
Drinking water is beneficial for improving energy tajin body, it was because of the high content of carbohydrates is in the water tajin.
In addition, drinking water is beneficial to the digestive health of tajin, tajin where drinking water is able to treat digestive problems such as heartburn and constipation. Even water tajin has a function as an electrolyte that could cure diarrhea.
Other benefits of the water helps heal diseases namely starch heat in, relieve thrush, preventing high cholesterol levels so that nourish the heart, preventing obesity, and is often used for the consumption of babies.
How To Water Utilization In Rice :
1. the method of Water Washing Rice (which is used Is the third/last Washing Water)
This is the simplest way, which use could be beneficial for the health of the skin and body. Where you live take of water washing the rice.
Of course wash rice performed a few times, usually three times, then the water you use is the result of water washing the rice. As for the water results from the laundry first and second is thrown away.
2. Made Water Tajin
Water tajin is actually very delicious to drink. To make it, that is by cooking the rice with water (to cook the rice as usual), it is recommended to cook with stoves.
Then let the cooking process until the water boils and also the water begin to coagulate (usually when the rice has been half-baked, or environment).
Well, that's called water with water tajin. AMDA live take water and can be directly consumed.
3. Fermentation
The third method is to ferment the rice water, where You let the water of the rice that has been cooked for one day. Water that has fermented it later can be used as a face mask or hair.
interesting story
thank you