Today with pleasure I present to you, friends, one more tremendous flower of May – a lily of the valley. It is the forest flower having an inflorescence of small hand bells on one brittle green leg located between two big leaves. But, if to look at a flower closer, at once you notice how many in it beauty, tendernesses and charms. The lily of the valley possesses very much, very pleasant, unique aroma. It is a pity that he cannot be transferred together with the photo. Look how he is beautiful!
Date of shooting: 20.05.2019
Place: Moscow
District "Metrogorodok»
The camera - Redmi 4-x
These are some truly fabulous photographs, @radmi!
Thanks a lot!@thenobleone
Очень красивые фотографии)
Большое спасибо, милая Вика!