I would love to tell you about the benefits I have noticed during my personal journey the last 4 weeks of no tobacco.
First of all, NO!!!!! I did not quit cold turkey.
I have been vaping with 6mg nicotine level juice. Which, I must add, tastes and SMELLS so much nicer then a traditional cigarette.
Secondly, YES! I do have cigarette cravings at least once a day. But that's not only a mindset or habit.
It's been a 14 year addiction!!!
I am still using nicotine but I feel like I can actually live my life the way I want now. When I was smoking cigarettes I missed out on a lot. There were places or events I wouldn't attend because "My God, I can't go that long without a smoke!"
I feel healthier
My skin is clear
I'm physically active
And my smile is brighter!
I am in no way suggesting that non smokers begin vaping.
It's just made quitting smoking SO MUCH EASIER
Have a blessed day all my fellow steemians!💋
That's good @rachinata!
@guilleoro thank you very much!