Damn, that was almost a post in itself. :D
Free speech is tricky as there is a very fine line between telling truths and targeting people. People can get triggered very easily over sensitive topics like politics, religion and nationality.
Power is a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. We can see how it is misused when people in authority decide that their way is the only way and discredit and belittle everybody that doesn't agree with their position. Those in power use propaganda to discredit their opposition and spread lies and bullshit so stop them being challenged. The people who don't agree with them are radicals and racists. Left-wing or right-wing depending on who it is. They like to have control over those below them and make sure that nobody can rise high enough to challenge the status quo.
If you look at any of the wars over the past number of years, they have only been about expressing power over weaker countries for money or influence. They might pretend that there is some righteous cause to bomb and kill people but in reality there is nothing that justifies doing this to people. It’s been the same going back to the days of the crusades and religious wars over the non-believers. They can try and justify it all they want but in the end it comes down to power, control and money.
It’s only right to challenge these people but as long as they have the power and the money it will not change anything in reality. Decentralization is a god start to break the grip of the large corporations and banks that are currently setting the rules. I read a good quote lately,
The rules are only the opinion of the people currently in power.
If different people have the power then the rules of the game change instantly. Individually we might not have much but we do when people join together to create change.
Decentralize and make activism more accessible and acceptable. Educate people about their choices and rights, and give them time. There will always be fringe groups that are fearful and want to be rebellious. But if the majority felt like what they say counts, then maybe people would be willing to listen more to people who disagree.
We all have inherent biases that have been picked up through life experience and for the most part they are not a real problem. Not all people are going to get along in life as we all have different believes and opinions. I just think it’s important that we all understand that people will have differences and not to be affected by them. Words have a lot of power especially when used by those in power. It amplifies what they say when backed by money and position. That holds true when used both positively and negatively.