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RE: Sex, Money, Power--Corruption at the Vatican

in #esteem6 years ago

ah yes I know all too well that righteous indignation and idealism and getting so caught up in them that I forget to connect with the human in front of me. Ironic since no conversation, debate has any real impact unless we are actually connecting with person in front of us! I have done this too.

The good news of course is that this is all about caring and caring deeply - even if a bit wound up out of control - which means that we will always come around again to caring for the individuals (beyond our passion for the cause) and will ultimately reach to connect and understand.

And those are some wise Thomas Merton words.

And thanks for the warm ocean breezes, love those!


Thank you, for your understanding. We've since 'made up' and left on a respectful, compassionate note. People, first. Have a lovely day, Ruth _/|\_

So glad to hear it :-))