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2 eggs
100 gr sugar
100 gr cassava tape (puree)
200 g flour
2 tablespoons milk powder
25 grams of butter (melted)
60 gr candied fruit / sukade
½ tbsp of instant yeast
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
100 ml of warm water
How to make:
- Mix the instant yeast, sugar and warm water, mix well. Let stand until foaming.
- Mix sugar and eggs, shake with balloon whisk until sugar dissolves.
- Add the tape, stir well, and no tape is clot. If necessary, filtered so that the dough is smooth and smooth.
Add the flour and milk powder, then pour the instant yeast solution. Stir well. - Pour liquid butter. Stir back, until completely blended. And no liquid settles.
- Allow the dough for 50 minutes, cover with a clean cloth.
- Put in a tinban skeleton d20 cm, t8 cm that has been lubricated margarine. And the base is dilapisibaking paper. Flatten the dough, then sprinkle with sukade.
- Steam 30 minutes with medium heat. Do not forget the steam is heated first.
- Lift and remove from the baking pan.
- Cut when it's cold.
Follow me @namanama
Thank you for the wonderful and interesting recipe.
Sugar I'll make a cake in the near future.
It looks very interesting and my kids will be delighted with the look and taste of this wonderful cake.
But I will make it in smaller molds, so there will be smaller swords and kids will be more interesting ...
yes try to make a better yes thank you for his vote and his comments and do not forget the follbek yes @photo-master
Excuse me, but I do not know what that's "and do not forget the follbek yes". If it's not difficult for you, explain me ..
Thank you