Rupiah VS Dollar

in #esteem7 years ago

Titik Terlemah Rupiah Sepanjang Sejarah

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Rupiah terus melemah terhadap mata uang Singapura. Pelemahan rupiah selama setahun ke belakang mencapai 10,27%. CNBC Indonesia mengabarkan, hingga pukul 14.00 WIB SG$ 1 dibanderol Rp 10.507,83. Ini merupakan posisi terlemah rupiah terhadap dolar Singapura.

Neraca perdagangan Indonesia ke Singapura surplus US$ 702,8 juta pada 2017. Namun, sisi investasi yang menjadi pemberat. Nilai investasi asing langsung (Foreign Direct Investment/FDI) Singapura di Indonesia lebih kecil dibandingkan investasi Indonesia di Singapura. Ternyata cukup banyak investasi perusahaan Indonesia di Singapura dan itu melampaui investasi Singapura ke Indonesia. Ini menyebabkan aliran valas lebih berpihak ke Singapura.

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Menurut data Singapore Department of Statistics, investasi terbesar Indonesia di Singapura adalah sektor keuangan dan asuransi. Pada 2016, nilainya mencapai US$ 2,19 miliar. Singapura juga merupakan salah satu destinasi favorit wisatawan asal Tanah Air. Pada 2017, kunjungan wisatawan asal Indonesia ke Singapura sebanyak 2.954.384. Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua setelah China. Turis Indonesia mengeluarkan uang sebesar SG$ 653 juta (Rp 6,79 triliun) untuk berbelanja, menduduki peringkat kedua di bawah turis China yang berbelanja SG$ 1,21 miliar (Rp 12,55 triliun).

Transaksi berjalan (Current Account) Singapura juga terus-menerus surplus. Kali terakhir Singapura mengalami defisit transaksi berjalan adalah pada 1984. Singapura juga membukukan defisit di pos pendapatan primer. Namun itu bisa ditutup oleh ekspor barang dan jasa Singapura yang besar.

Peluang Bagi Para Eksportir

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Menurut kabar yang saya baca disini melemahnya rupiah dapat dijadikan peluang bagi para eksportir. Meski kondisi neraca perdagangan tidak menentu, harga jual produk menjadi lebih kompetitif di pasar ekspor. Marwan Jafar, selaku Menteri Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (Mendes PDTT) mengatakan, konten lokal yang tinggi pada produk kerajinan lokal menjadikannya cukup marketable.

Banyak daerah punya potensi ini, namun banyak upaya yang harus dilakukan agar produk tersebut dapat bersaing di pasar internasional. Agar dapat merajai ekspor, Indonesia bukan hanya harus pintar menjaga mutu tapi juga melihat kebutuhan global. Kebiasaan pebisnis ekonomi kreatif yang memasukkan unsur keunikan budaya serta daya kreatifitas yang tinggi pada setiap unsur, menjadikan produknya memiliki nilai jual. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah memberi dukungan dan kemudahan bagi pebisnis di lahan ekspor.

Semoga perekonomian Indonesia akan semakin membaik

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The Weakest Point of The Rupiah Throughout History

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The rupiah continues to weaken against the Singapore currency. The weakening of the rupiah over the past year reached 10.27%. CNBC Indonesia reported, until 14.00 pm SG $ 1 is priced at Rp 10,507.83. This is the weakest position of the rupiah against the Singapore dollar.

Indonesia's trade balance to Singapore surplus of US $ 702.8 million in 2017. However, the investment becomes a weight. The value of foreign direct investment (Foreign Direct Investment / FDI) of Singapore in Indonesia is smaller than Indonesian investment in Singapore. Apparently quite a lot of Indonesian companies invest in Singapore and it surpassed Singapore's investment to Indonesia. This causes the flow of foreign currency more siding with Singapore.

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According to data from the Singapore Department of Statistics, Indonesia's largest investment in Singapore is the financial and insurance sector. In 2016, the value reached US $ 2.19 billion. Singapore is also one of the favorite destinations of tourists from the country. In 2017, Indonesian tourists visit to Singapore as much as 2,954,384. Indonesia ranks second after China. Indonesian tourists spent SG $ 653 million (Rp 6.79 trillion) to shop, ranking second only to Chinese tourists who spend SG $ 1.21 billion (Rp 12.55 trillion).

Singapore Current Account is also constantly surplus. The last time Singapore experienced a current account deficit was in 1984. Singapore also posted a deficit in the primary income post. But that could be offset by Singapore's large export of goods and services.

Opportunities for Exporters

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According to the news I read here Weakening of the rupiah can be an opportunity for exporters . Despite the uncertain condition of the trade balance, the selling price of the product becomes more competitive in the export market. Marwan Jafar, as Minister of Development for Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT), said that local high content on local handicraft products makes them marketable.

Many areas have this potential, but many efforts have to be made to make the product competitive in the international market. In order to dominate exports, Indonesia should not only be smart to maintain quality but also see global needs. The habits of creative economy businessmen who include elements of cultural uniqueness as well as a high creativity in each element, making the product has a sale value. Therefore, the government provides support and ease for businessmen in export land.

Hopefully Indonesia's economy will get better

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