If visiting Semarang do not forget to stop by this unique mosque. He called the Nuh as "Mosque". Yes, it is called a ship mosque because it looks like a ship. Exactly describes the ship of Noah's Ark that saved his people when his country was hit
This unique mosque is located in the western suburb of Semarang. Precisely on Jalan Kyai Padak RT 5 / RW 5, Village Podorejo District Ngaliyan Semarang City, Central Java. About 15 kilometers from A Yani airport. From Kalibanteng roundabout to the west past UIN Semarang to BSB turn right. In the village near the forest is a kyai named Achmad build this unique mosque area of 2,500 square meters. Shaped like a three-story elongated ship. Because of its uniqueness, the mosque is viral virtually in social media. People visit it. "Mosque Ship" is built on three-story. First floor meeting room, second floor for mosque, and third floor for teaching activities and work hall