
what, another interview with Ned? I thought they just did one?

He is making a sincere effort to be available, answer questions, and work with the team. I am so hopeful that he can keep it up. I get the feeling that he was pretty isolated from the community part of Steem and is enjoying what he is finding.

I bet you're right about him, well that is very encouraging news!

Just my instinct, but I like the guy! The link to the interview should be up tomorrow. Listen if you get a chance. I intend to listen again. My connection was crappy today and I know I missed stuff.

ok, YOUR connection was crappy? Not because of your internet service right?

No it's a Discord issue. At first it wasn't bad, but then as more and more people joined in it seemed to become worse and worse and worse. There is an alternative link to go and listen and it was crystal clear and I should have switched over much sooner than I did.

oh I get it. hey I sent you an email in case you have time to check it.