Attention writers, bloggers, authors, freelancers and home job seekers: write for living

in #esteem5 years ago

today I'm going
to talk to you about how to write for a living.,In our society today it's a little difficult
to do this, but the first thing you have to be is a diligent person. And you have to be
determined. And you have to be prepared for any kind of writing that will make money
for you, because if you just limit yourself to one kind of writing.

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you say I'm going
to be a playwright, and that's all I'm going to do, you're going to find that you're going
to exhaust a lot of your opportunities that,- unless you get really lucky. And you're
going to, you know, have to get another job to support your writing. But the point of
writing for a living is to write to support yourself.

Write For Living:

So first of all, be determined
to write. Be open to writing anything and be diligent about it. Next, write every day
to get better. And the course of this takes a lot of diligence. I often find
myself finding in spouts where I don't write sometimes and I feel, I feel very bad about
that. And I say you know well if I just wrote every day.

Writers Zone:

I would get better and it's true
because practice does make perfect in the sense that it makes you better. You're
never going to be a perfect writer, you're never going to think oh, you know, I don't
need to get any better. But you're going to want to write to get better.
So write every day. Read every day if you can.

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of course, if you're writing for a
living, you're probably, you know, working, from home, looking for opportunities, and
hopefully giving yourself that free time to, write so that you've got nothing else to hold
you down. Find odd jobs that can keep the money flowing when you're writing. Open your
mind to things that you can do, rather than, writing that you want to do.

So if you say
I can write this column for this magazine, online, you know, and I can't get paid fifty
dollars to do that, do it. You know don't put anything below yourself. And then also
secure a real job writing by being the best, writer. So hopefully maybe you can
find a job writing, if you're a playwright, maybe you can find a residency with the theater,
if you're a novelist you can get novels published a short story writer, you can be published in
literary magazines and things like this. And also finally making money is harder than
it seems because jobs are scarce but it is, possible.

So always write toward that goal
of making money because you are writing to make a living. So I think that it's
something that is very sort of out of reach but if you're diligent with it and you
open yourself to all opportunities you can make a living as a writer.

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