Three traveler stories and Bangladesh

in #esteem6 years ago

Chaitra's keen Sun in one of the way a traveler (the first traveler) walking. A long time a walk in the tired traveler him in front of a Bot trees and drinking water search found. Water get the rest after he Bot trees some ripe fruit and a Cup of some of water his destination to walking began. A lot of the way a walk in after a place him feel the before the rest of the place like if here a place to be made was, I like many may take rest could. The thought of the work. His water with the Street side of Bot trees fruits planted gave. Over time huge became. A few years after the same way other travelers (the second traveler) one House was. The way of fatigue to certain distance the shadow of getting the very delighted was and think many thanks to the and creator to him for the good of blessed. into the House of her with the story of one of the said, the shadow of the absence of the way he relief got. It to hear his said that, the end of him fitted. His desire was there a drinking water source system not. But illness for it, and did not. Second traveler think thought he, this person of the recognition of should be. This thought from he is a sign in wrote, "this tree ex Sahib, he now sick. You here, the rest will, of all for the creator of pray not." The first permanent addresses he there by adding to set up the. Of a lot of the day after a very intelligent and talented (he is going to what I think) traveler (III) the same way going through. Naturally he first tree shadow and water drink overcome the. Second tree to the water not getting a little, he angry was. I said, any stupid people in this work was that only a tree planting did? intelligence is not that tree with water is to be? This is when he think of the person's intelligence of heart, that at the moment of his eyes was. To to read the intelligent head worse was. Own the people who are foolish one man so much respect to the heart thought he, he designed a resting to create. Then, the person and others explained will that real praise who can get. His bag from the tree of seed of the tree, contrary to the planting made and attend to began. One day in a general old traveler in the way of going and he intelligent asked, "you Bapu here what attend are you doing? 'Intelligent traveler answer was," I this tree shadow than many of the shadow and more good resting of work. "The old man said,' here a tree have another tree what you need? 'In response to intelligent traveler answered," old to be your sense of the all is broken, go to own way of, me the knowledge of the need not, I understand.' Old traveler after his on another reason is that, he previous going to kill. Otherwise this man like a lot of stupid his great will be able to do. The thought of the work. Intelligent traveler every night a roots to cut was. So much on the day of his planted one hand, like big have been. But the previous slowly the death of lead to was. That then when any traveler intelligent ask used to, 'what my brother, so big tree dead is going to that, some of it? "In response to intelligent traveler used to say," Hey this tree that guy set he fool was. Tree, to avoid that water need, the system, he did not. And I do my tree big to busy with his tree I water will why? While waiting for my this tree many big and I here drinking water and the system will. "In this way, the day of the month but knowing trees, and the big is not. But so much on the day of the previous is dead. One day in the old again came and intelligent asked," what you Bapu, where you resting? "He intelligent planting trees to come to see and said," so I (a kind of Bush the tree, in which to view the page like and herbal medicine as work takes). This is how the shadow of will? "This the words of intelligent traveler very খেপে and said,' you this one fault, any good work to recognize do not know. I am so much trouble is so important a medicinal plants here planting and attend the too big made, of any if you do?" In response to the old man traveler and said, 'this way to US in the shadow and water need, here this Herb tree with what we will Bapu? "Said this old aside patter to the place and gave up. Third intelligent traveler so intelligent that, its the head intelligence El not that," I first traveler that up to have created around beautiful cover with a drinking water source of the system that, but they my as such a here to put and the same with the first and second both for prayer will. "We Bengalis in fact, one of the base of standing on the own country forward to more than this third as the basis of made to the like. Our grades 5 per cent of the people of the first like. 10 per cent of the second like. 75 per cent of the people of the third like. The rest of 10 percent of other character. Which due to the freedom of 43 years after we are the same place stand. Do the same time out talented or cute or kind of trying to engage in am. But developed countries, most people first like. A few of the exception of all the second like. Third as man not agree. So their development or forward to prevent that do not. So true our which should be the, the story of the third like new tree not put that tree, its beauty attentive to be. To 10 years, not to be the next 15 years, we middle-income countries, and 5-year-old in advanced state to be able to. Otherwise this third class people who aggressive the spirit of the all the destruction of the next generation we Quail the shadow of the given can, but show them about the concept of should be. In addition all Sunshine and the rainy season in the shadow of one without the nightmare way they may have to pay.