Believe it or not, I’m still using this classic to play my old playlist. It’s really an antique, I think it was first released in the year 2005. Apple products were not cheap I must tell you back in those days, and this was my first ever Apple product purchased and the cheapest which I can find, as a reward to pamper myself.
At the time, iTune was still a very new thing to me, but it was so much fun to able to use it to install my songs into this little cute thing!
Although after few years it was spoiled in the sense that I can’t read it through my laptop anymore, when I went to store to ask, they said I should just change to a new generation because fixing it cost the same price. I love this little thing too much, plus no extra money, so I kept it. Now it can only function as a player with all my oldies songs trapped inside. It’s kinda nice sometimes when I go through all the songs inside, it brings me back to a lot of fond memories. Luckily, I can still charge it when the power is low.
So, anyone guesses it right? Alright, let me just tell you what this is.

This is - Apple iPod Shuffle 1st Generation, 512 MB, which could also be used as a USB flash drive! The first design was so styling at the time, the whole white makes it so clean and simple. The front buttons are like our remote control nowadays, the back is for your shuffle functions and battery check. The feeling of owning one is so good! I’m still very much amazed by how sustainable it is until this day. Kudos to Apple!

那时的iTune 对我来说是蛮新的软体,它可以让你上载歌曲进入这小玩意儿。可惜几年后就有问题了,拿到店里想修理,服务员还劝告修理费和换一架新的价钱差不多,不必浪费钱了。那时口袋轻轻,也就算了。反之还可以听,只是接上电脑就不能,所以里头的歌,就永远停留在那几首。有时拿来听听,还会撩起蛮多美好的回忆。
这是苹果产品 – 第一代iPod Shuffle,容量512 MB,也可以当USB 储存档案。这第一代的设计偏白又简单,很有现代感,看了就喜欢。当时买到它是真的很开心。想不到过了那么多年它还宝刀未老,依然让你听好歌!苹果真不赖!

Animation By @zord189 Join us @steemitbloggers
哈哈,不怕不怕,shuffle 有很多代,我这是第一代啊
lol Yeah- all three of my kids had those (I'm more of an 80's child and had cassette tapes and records)... but still, hard to believe iPods are already considered outdated.
I know right, technology is just moving so fast!
那时候我没有经济能力。所以没有去懂那是什么。不过它叫ipod 我是知道的。
我很宅那种 很闷那种人。
38 主席!
Yo tenia uno y me gustaba mucho, me parece sencillo y practico su uso.
Eso es genial!
I only know this when I saw you using it! :D
Ohhh so much memories. Though I didn't have one of the ipod generations. I had my own mini player too. and during that time, 512MB was a lot. Now u basically can get few GBs or even TBs.
So.... what's on your playlist? Share share :)
Yeah, 512MB was a lot that time.
My song list mostly HK and Mandarin songs and whole CD of David Foster songs!!!
Ohhh haha, waaa mandarin songs ahhh. I dunno how to listen to that ah. I English person. :D
Got some Japanese songs, instrumentals, English songs... I'm quite versatile.
But now I can't see what's inside already :(
I was born in 1967!
2005 ... "classic" ... "antique."
Hahahaha... Oops!
I remember these! I gave one to a friend several years ago loaded with some of my favorite music and he still uses it once in a while.
How technology has come a long way!
Aww.. how nice of you...
I'm glad he still used it!
wow it still works!
Yes it does, amazing right!
Thanks for stopping by @vincy.
I've got an ancient mp3 player around here somwhere with my entire collection from college, heh.
That's cool, still can use?
Honestly not sure, hah
I never had an ipod, just a good ol' mp3-player. I totally get what you're saying about the old music being trapped inside the player. They give you back all these memories and emotions!
That's exactly how it feels, so many memories there.
Thanks for stopping by and commented @tripswithtam!
I’ve never seen one of these before . You may pay for Apple products but the quality is there and you are after getting your money’s worth out of it and more . It looked like a wee controller at first. I was thinking how the hell does he use that thing for music! 😂😂#steemitbloggers
LOL, indeed it looks like a controller doesn't it...
Agreed on the Apple products, it's really worth it, thanks for stopping by and comment @blanchy!