Trump The president of USA

in #esteem7 years ago

The injunction is on Monday, believed The New York Times.

The US management is delightful steps to compel the forbid on Syria in a a small amount of being after the US and Arminite missile attacks.

United States ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Hally supposed on Sunday that the assessment was full by the United States on the new sanctions decisiveness on Russia.

On the US box route CBS's 'Face the Nation' program, he held that the disallow will be candidly against Syrian head Assad against any troupe mixed up in commerce with tools and element weapons.

Halley said, "I meditate each will empathize this arise now. all and sundry knows that we produce passionate messages. Hopefully, they will be told it now. "

This restriction method that the United States is not no more than liable for head Bashar al-Assad's government, nor does its affiliates ponder Russia and Iran as responsible. image
Halley said, "I judge each will comprehend this make now. each person knows that we undertake clear messages. Hopefully, they will pay attention to it now. "

This restriction capital that the United States is not just sensible for head Bashar al-Assad's government, nor does its affiliates mull over Russia and Iran as responsible.

President Donald Trump pledged that the Syrian allies will retain to fee a senior cost for the benefit of poisonous gas.

This living outlaw will be on Russia's third-round interdict on trump direction in the stay fresh four weeks.

Last month, in 2016, the United States banned the troupe and inhabitants of the trump running for interference and cyber attacks.

Then the United States banned Russian leadership officials and abundant Russians, plus lock associates of Russian head Vladimir Putin.

Moreover, the United States debarred 60 Russian diplomats and bunged Russian consulates in Seattle on charges of attempting to destroy ex- Russian spy and his daughter.


In most cases war is just a form of a depopulation tactic and obviously another way to produce more mass amounts of money,and by doing that, the individuals who are in power form lies and those lies are thought out to be true by the masses ,tho many would disagree ..

In my opinion it's easier to believe the lies that one is told rather than facing the truth..

thank you so much

I love the cartoon. I am big Trump fan since Celebrity Apprentice.

Crazy whats going ob in Syria you know your evil when you gas your own people

Its crazy whats going on in Syria you know your evil when you gas your own people