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RE: eSteem - iOS 1.2.2 released, Advanced login, Signup, Patch post edits, Photo inclusion on posts, New navigation filter

in #esteem9 years ago

Awesome! I am curious though, where do the photos get uploaded to? Do you have to enter the hosting site you wish to use or is it a set thing?


Right now using cloudinary as mentioned in previous posts, which offers fast and reliable service. It is not public, so as profile pictures, only link you get after upload will be known. And of course those links will always be available and saved in blockchain.

Oh ok, I must've missed that sorry. Do you have plans to make the upload site changeable or is that overkill? I'm just curious, I'm really not trying to criticize, and I apologize if you did cover this in a previous post I just don't remember reading about it.

Sure, But you can already set image url without upload. Upload is added for users who don't wish to hassle around to find place to upload and include in post. If you don't want to upload image, there is a Set URL option where you can specify image URL, preview right away, and post. If I didn't understand the question, please feel free to reply back... :)