
It is right outside of my screen porch. I love to be out there and I often sit out there with my phone so that I can be on Steen and with my camera close at hand!

oh wow you make me want to be out there too! We could sit around talking about all your world travels with a glass of wine
while observing the beauty of nature!

Come visit anytime! Do you like red or white? You might want to wait until next summer, though!

haha! yes the summertime on that deck has to be totally amazing. I like whatever has alcohol in it! lol. I actually haven't had much white wine but what I have had was really good but usually I have red or merlot.

We almost never have it anymore because Mrs. J started developing a reaction to it, like an allergy to the sistenes or the nitrates or whatever they had to help keep it from spoiling, at the moment I can't recall what it is but anyway that's why we unfortunately stopped at least for now.

Oh I went through that for a while with an allergy to domestic wines. I was OK with imports. I wonder if California vineyards switched whatever preservative they were using to something that might be a little healthier because I no longer have that problem and can drink a glass of wine without sneezing and getting all congested. I'm not much of a drinker but I do enjoy a glass of wine with a nice meal or even sometimes as I'm sitting here before I go to bed. I have a bottle open right now left from the luncheon that I hosted on Monday and a glass right now sounds really nice.

howdy again melinda010100..oh how interesting, so you had something similar. Well we found out what the allergy was to, that compound that I can't remember...oh I just remembered, it's sulfites because that's what they add to keep them from spoiling so we went with organic wines but it has to be organic that doesn't add sulfites because most organic wines also add that stuff.

Sulfides. Yes, that was it. 10 years ago, I simply couldn't drink the stuff. It never bothers me now, which makes me wonder if they changed something. Maybe they figured out they were poisoning everyone
It was always so nice to be in France or Portugal or Greece and be able to drink the wine without additives.