
I'm just a regular user, not a developer or anything, so I don't know what Xamarin is. I was skeptical of UWP but I'm totally a UWP convert. It just works so wonderfully - performance is consistent, never bogs down, has all the auto updating, notifications support etc of modern app platforms etc. What I love most is how well it scales and syncs between different devices with screen sizes, pixel densities and device types. It's like magic! I still use many legacy x86 apps, but I try and use UWP wherever possible.

Yeah I'm the same! A huge UWP fan, I also have a windows phone as well and those apps just work seamlessly over to there (think I'm like some kind of 3% of the market or something so edgey!) so I'm all for a nice tight UWP app. As for Xamarin its a platform that allows you share code between apps on different platforms. So instead of having to do your UWP app again for iOS or Android (or whatever way its done), you can share the guts of your app between all of them and then just do your iOS, Android and UWP specific stuff. Its really neat!