There Is Power In Your Thoughts!

in #esteem7 years ago

If you enjoy good health, you are fit and physically capable of undertaking energy consuming processes, then you can walk up a long, steep hill. You can walk miles, you can undertake any challenge and emerge victorious. But all is dependent on whether you think you can; if you think you can, you can!


There is power in your thoughts which gives you access to what is possible. Your thought is the engine house of success and equally failure too depending on your choice. Your thoughts not only give you the privilege to choose but also puts you in the frame of mind to choose. So it's up to you what you choose. These is power in your thoughts!

As you are, you represent the vehicle by which good things can come to you. True as that's, your thoughts are what give it the requisite derive, while also showing it the direction to follow or not to follow. There is power in your thoughts!

Thoughts that are of low energy, thoughts that are negative, thoughts that are haphazard without focus, will always result in low energy. But thoughts that are positive, thoughts that uplifts spirit, will always make you unstoppable. Achieving success in everything you do, needs positive oriented thoughts and not just any thoughts.


There is no difficulty in choosing your thoughts, you can choose to go forwards or backwards. When you choose yours thoughts, you are determining the way your life will go; up or down. It's upto you what you choose

So what are you thinking? What are you thinking right now? Why will you think tomorrow? What about day after tomorrow. The choice you make today could hunt you forevers. It matters very much. Bear this in mind. All the best.


The day i started respecting human thought is when i came across proverb 23:7 which said that " As a man thinketh in his heart so is he " i began to ponder on human thought to know why God equated a man with his mindset. When i realized the gravity of human thought , i stop doing anything without engaging on strategic thinking before taking action.
Thanks for making us come to understand the significant of human thought.

You are welcome, my friend. Thanks